What could be more exciting with than a vacation overseas! It is fun to explore exotic locations and cuisines but it may also mean a greater threat to your health and well-being and fat chance of not finding adequate medical services. So as you carefully chalk out your itinerary, don’t forget to prepare your travel health plans to ensure a happy, healthy and safe excursion. Here are some helpful tips to guide you towards this end.
1. Start with finding a reputable travel clinic to update your immunization. Discuss your travel plans with travel doctors there along with your medical history. Don’t forget to mention any chronic medical condition that you have so that he may prescribe necessary travel medicine to you.
2. be wary of local water supplies when travelling, it may cause diseases in travellers but not in natives who are immune to infections present in it. Use bottled water to drink or brush your teeth. If bottled water is not available, use water which has been boiled for a minimum of 1 minute and cooled to room temperature.
3. Remove the skin from raw vegetables and fruits before eating and avoid purchasing food from street vendors. Stick to food that has been fully cooked.
4. To ensure that your vacation is not ruined by the anxiety of running out of necessary prescription medication, pack extra medication. Prepare yourself to face all eventualities by preparing a kit of travel medicines and carry it in your handbag.
5. Include an anti-diarrheal medication, a mild laxative, decongestant and antihistamine, anti-fungal creams, band aids, moleskin for blisters and antibiotic cream in your first aid kit of travel medicine. Don’t forget to pack throat lozenges and preferred pain killer as well.
6. Pack sunscreen and insect repellent that has DEET in a 20-50% concentration. Put on your sunscreen before spraying the repellent on your body and clothing. Wear long sleeves and pants at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes that transmit malaria are more active.
Travel clinic New York is one of the leading travel clinics that offer expert advice on travel medicine and travel vaccine. For more information about their services and expert travel physicians, you can logon to their website www.travelclinicnyc.com