Monday, May 23, 2011

Required Vaccinations for Travel: Better Safe Than Sorry

Don't let the risk of catching various diseases, or effort required for getting the innumerable vaccinations for travel intimidate you from exploring different parts of the world. With a number of travel clinics with experienced travel doctors all over New York, getting immunization is no problem at all. But consult a doctor as soon as you finalise your travel plans, ideally, 2 months prior to travelling as some vaccinations for travel take quite long to be effective. Along with administering immunization shots, travel doctors also provide information about what medicines you need to carry and what precautions you need to take during your stay.

Yellow fever and malaria are two diseases that are transmitted through infected mosquitoes. So if you are travelling to parts of South America and any of sub-Saharan Africa, you need to get vaccinated against them. Yellow fever vaccination is administered in a single shot and its effect last 10 years. Malaria is both preventable and curable so don’t let a malaria attack spoil your trip. You can also opt for anti-malaria pills instead of a shot if you so desire but it’s important to keep safe from mosquitoes using other means as none of these methods is 100% effective.

Among other vaccinations for travel, meningococcal vaccination is worth a mention. It is vital if you plan to visit Saudi Arabia during the month long pilgrimage. You can also website of United States Centers of Disease Control to get any information you regarding the required vaccinations for travel. Some vaccinations can adversely affect pregnancies so it is important to inform your doctor about your medical history. An authorised travel clinic will also provide you necessary certification so that you can get the custom clearance without any problem.

Travel clinic of New York City is a reputable travel clinic offering vaccinations for travel and other travel related consultancy through seasoned travel doctors. To have more information about their services you can logon to: