Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Protect yourself from yellow fever though immunization

Yellow fever is a severe viral ailment transmitted through the bite of a type of mosquito known as the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The viral infection is mostly spread in African & South American countries.

Many people have a belief that this disease spread person to person through direct contact. However, as I discussed before, this viral infections spread only by mosquito bite not by direct contact. This type of viral infection can result in:

  • jaundice (yellow skin or eyes)
  • fever
  • bleeding from different body parts
  • flu like signs
  • malfunctioning of kidney and liver
  • respiratory system failure
  • death (in severe cases)

Prevention against yellow fever:
Yellow fever immunization can help you protect from this life-threatening disease. This vaccine is a live virus vaccine that contains a weakened form of yellow fever virus that works for several years. Given as a single short, this immunization is administered by doctors at designated vaccine center.

People who are living in yellow fever prone areas are recommended to take this yellow fever shot every ten years. After immunization, you will be provided a stamped and signed proof (yellow card) which you will need to enter certain countries. Let me tell you that many countries need a proof of vaccination before giving an individual the permission to enter their country. This “International Certificate of Vaccination” becomes valid ten days after immunization and works for ten years.

People who should not receive yellow fever vaccine include:
  • yellow fever immunization is not recommended to children under  six months of age
  • yellow fever vaccine should not be given to pregnant
  • people who are hypersensitive to eggs because
  • persons who are receiving treatment for cancer (chemotherapy) or people with asymptomatic HIV infection will  only be administered with this vaccine if the exposure of this viral cannot be avoided

Note: children under age 6 and pregnant women can be considered(by examining various health factors)  for yellow fever vaccinations only if they are travelling area that are highly prone to this viral.

Persons between 9 to 6o years of age who are travelling to areas or living in areas that are at high risk of yellow fever are recommended to receive this vaccine.

In order to protect you from spectrum of disease caused due to yellow fever, timely administration of yellow fever shot is necessary.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Learn about yellow fever shots and vaccine before heading for the trip!

The most important step to adhere before heading to South America or Africa is intake of yellow fever vaccine. It is a preventive measure to safeguard yourself and our loved ones, who will travel in those locations.

Yellow fever is a deadly viral infection found in parts of South America, and West and Central Africa. Due to bite of an infected mosquito people living in there or travelling in those locations, come across flu-like illness, jaundice, liver failure, respiratory failure, kidney failure, vomiting of blood, and possibly death.

The symptoms of this disease are not visible instantly, but begin 3 to 6 days after infection. However, if taken precautions beforehand then one will be able to safeguard their lives form the life-threatening disease.

Here precautions refer to yellow fever shots needed to take 10-15 days prior the trip before one gets expose to the virus.

However, before taking the vaccine few things are ought to known by the traveler. Let’s gets started:
  • Vaccine shots given to adults and to children are who are of 9 months.
  • After every 10 years, yellow fever vaccine is must to be taken by people.
  • Vaccines categorized in three types: routine, required, and recommended.  In some cases, vaccines recommended in some areas and required in other countries.
  • Patients who are suffering from HIV, cancer, thymus disorder, they are not supposed to take these vaccines. Moreover, even pregnant women’s can’t go for it.
  • People visiting South America and Africa fall in category of required type need to also present vaccinations certificate to the authorities. Travelers without the proof of vaccination will neither not be allowed to enter the country or get denial for visa.
  • People who have taken this vaccine in past, they still need to take booster in order to be safe from allergic reactions of this life threating disease. However, it’s must for traveler to tell the doctor, if he or she has taken the shots earlier.
  • Besides attaining vaccine, a track of side effects should also be known so that one does not get panic, if one experiences any allergy or side effects.   Some get allergic to egg protein, get mild or severe headache, muscle ache and low grade fever. In addition to it, people can also face shortness of breath, lip or tongue swelling etc.
  • Besides attaining vaccine, some other precautions that one must take are as follows: stay in air-conditioned areas, cover your body properly so that mosquito does not bite and make use of insect repellants that will help keep the mosquitos away.

If you are heading to South America or Africa, make sure you and your loved one have taken yellow fever shots .

Friday, October 11, 2013

Guidelines followed by doctors when providing travel immunization in NYC to travelers!

If you are planning to go abroad, certain precautions are must to consider in order have a healthy trip.
Here precautions refer to vaccinations that given to the traveler on basis of few factors like: travel destination, length of stay, activity in which traveler will be involved during the trip and vaccines taken by the traveler in past.

To obtain the vaccines, traveler needs to consult the travel doctor prior one or two months before the trip because vaccines take time get effective in the body. Hence, to be totally safe from the deadly diseases, it is important to obtain vaccines before heading on for the trip.

The doctor of travel clinic follows few guidelines, while providing travel immunization in NYC to travelers:

The foremost thing that the doctor considers before giving vaccines to traveler is destination where he or she is visiting. For example, traveler going to West and Central Africa and in parts of Central and South America, he’s given yellow fever vaccines because those parts are yellow fever epidemic areas.
Next thing doctor check is vaccines taken by travelers in past. This is important to consider because some vaccines will require booster and some may not.

Usually, vaccines are divided into three sections: routine, recommended, and required.
The traveler on routine basis procures routine vaccines, while many may have attained these vaccines when they were infant or child. The vaccines that come under this category are: measles, tetanus, pertussis, mumps, rubella, varicella, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenza type b, and pneumococcal invasive disease.

Recommended vaccines suggested by the doctor to the traveler in order to also be safe from minor illnesses. This section includes vaccines of hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis, typhoid and medications for Malaria.

Required vaccines are the most important and priority ones that are sure-fire cannot be missed out by the doctor and by the traveler. This given to the traveler six weeks prior to the departure date, so that it affects last out till the traveler is in the epidemic country. Vaccines that come under it are: yellow fever, hepatitis A & B, rabies, polio, Japanese Encephalitis, typhoid, tetanus and many more.

Moreover, required vaccines are the priority one checked by the airport authorities and if they find traveler is not immune with the required vaccines, they won’t allow him or her to enter the country.

However, before giving any of these aforementioned vaccines, doctor will also check the health condition of traveler. This is important to check because many times vaccines can cause health issues also.

 If you want to get travel immunization from NYC, make sure you have consulted the best travel doctor of the city.