Yellow fever is not something most people would give a thought until they plan to travel internationally. It is a type of viral fever which is transmitted by a particular kind of mosquitoes that are found in South America and Africa. Since avoiding mosquito bite is not always possible while travelling through areas that are infested with these vermin, vaccination against Yellow fever is made mandatory for travellers. This vaccination is both safe and successful and easily available at your local travel clinic.
Yellow Fever Vaccination is a Legal Obligation
While passing through or travelling to a particular country that is majorly affected by yellow fever, you are under legal obligation for vaccination. To fulfil this obligation, you need to keep record of all your travel shots. This International Certificate of Vaccination is required at entry and exit points of many countries and if you fail to produce it, you can be barred from entering there. Not only should you get vaccination for yellow fever but also get other mandatory immunization shots from a reputable travel clinic which can also provide you with valid International Certificate of Vaccination.
It is best to visit a good travel clinic as soon as you have finalized your travel plans. Ideally you should see a doctor at least 2 months prior to travelling. Keeping your itinerary in mind, a travel doctor will suggest you immunization shots that may or may not include yellow fever vaccine. He will also suggest and prescribe medicines you should carry after studying your medical history and health problems you can possibly face in that country. Unless you have received yellow fever vaccine at least 10 days before entering a country that requires you to have it, quarantine action will follow which can jeopardise your plans.
Things to remember:
* Yellow fever can be deadly.
* Yellow fever vaccine is completely safe and remains effective for 10 years.
* Besides taking vaccination, you should protect yourself against mosquito bites.
Do you want to risk ruining your vacation and putting your health in jeopardy or do you want to be careful and solicit travel vaccines? The Travel Clinic NYC gives you all the information and inoculations you need for healthy and safe travelling. For more information on Travel Clinic of NYC, log on to