Friday, December 27, 2013

Flying to Cambodia? Are you immunized to the possible health issues there?

The affordable travel deals from exotic destinations like Angkor Wat temple complex, white sand beaches of Sihanoukville and many other places in Cambodia have made it one of the most popular tourist places amongst travelers.

However, it cannot be denied that there are no possible health threats there.  This is why, before flying to Cambodia, you need to get vaccinated for antimalarial treatment, and other required health precautions.

If you are flying from NYC, then you can visit any medical facilities dedicated to travel immunizations.

The Center for Disease Control recommends following vaccines for travelers going to Cambodia:
  • Vaccination against hepatitis A & B and typhoid, if visiting rural areas.
  • Traveler planning to participate in outdoor activities like hiking, cycling, or working with animals must receive rabies shots.
  • Farming areas might be prone to Japanese encephalitis diseases. Therefore, traveler must take the vaccine for it.
  • Malaria is commonly found in the areas of Cambodia, therefore traveler must definitely get the vaccine for it.
  • Routine vaccines that involve measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and polio are must to be taken besides recommended ones.

Measles used to be active disease in Cambodia. However, today according to reports it is no longer there. However, still traveler is said to get vaccine for measles, as well. In case, if one had already got the vaccine for it then travel doctor will check whether booster vaccine is required or not.

Cambodia areas also have dengue, filariasis and plague diseases which are caused because of insect bite. As no vaccines are available for these diseases, the CDC or travel clinic doctor recommends the traveler to use preventive measures like insect repellent, mosquito netting, and wearing of long sleeve clothes.

Avian flu is commonly both in birds and humans in Cambodia. The doctor of travel clinic or CDC recommends travelers to avoid contact with local bird population or poultry activities.
People who are found of swimming must safeguard themselves from schistosomiasis and leptospirosis diseases because these are waterborne illnesses found in Cambodia.

After determining the diseases spread in Cambodia, make sure to receive vaccines for all the illnesses, in order to have a safe and sound trip. So, fix your appointment with the travel clinic doctor prior two or three weeks before the trip. Make sure to get travel vaccine certification from the doctor that will be your proof of being vaccinated.

If you are planning to travel to Cambodia, fix your appointment with the travel clinic in NYC to receive travel immunizations.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Are you travelling to tropical areas this year?

We all are aware of fact that we can’t enter the grounds of another country till the time we abide the rules and regulations of the government. There is a prominent reason behind this fact that a lot of diseases are prevalent in different countries that can cause health issues and even might lead to death of a traveler. This is the reason why government of the abroad countries has made acquiring of vaccination a rule that a traveler needs to adhere.

Visiting tropical locations means you are at a health risk. Therefore, it’s vital to get travel vaccines from New York City travel center or elsewhere you are residing. The major vaccines that traveler needs to get includes hepatitis, yellow fever, polio, diphtheria, typhoid fever, and a lot more.

However, before randomly taking any vaccine you needs to obtain information about the country were you are planning to visit, the diseases prevalent there and vaccines require to be safe from those diseases. This all piece of information you can collect from travel health center. So, fix your appointment at least 4 to 6 weeks prior to your travel.

Following is the information that the travel doctor will provide regarding the countries where you may be heading.

 Australia: The government of Australia have made essential for the travelers to get yellow fever vaccine. Although the country is not prevalent with this disease but they do not want to take a risk if the traveler is from the country that has yellow fever or is passing by from the country that has one.

Canada: Routine vaccinations, such as MMR vaccine, DPT, hepatitis B and other childhood vaccines are important to get before heading to Canada.

China: Diseases like Hepatitis A and B, typhoid, rabies, and Japanese encephalitis are prevalent in the areas of China which has made getting of vaccines for these respective diseases important for the traveler.
Egypt: Likewise China, same diseases are prevalent at Egypt for which the traveler needs to get himself vaccinated, if he is heading there.

Guam: Again, routine vaccinations like hepatitis A and B, and typhoid vaccine are important to get, if one is going to Guam.

Hong Kong: As this country is exposed to SAR, therefore it has become vital for travelers to get vaccines of hepatitis A and B, typhoid, and Japanese encephalitis.

Prevention is important before heading to any abroad location. This is where getting of travel vaccines from New York City has become vital.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Get right vaccinations before taking off for a foreign place!

It does not matter whether the purpose of travelling is business or pleasure; nobody ever wants to take home bad memories. Nothing can be worse than falling sick during your much awaited trip to a new place. However, a visit to a foreign place can expose people to a lot of potential health hazards and diseases, even if the travel is within the country.

Especially if you are travelling to some foreign country, then the chances of falling sick become all the more severe. The reason behind so is that when people cross time zones and go over to a place non-native and unfamiliar to them, they are not used to the that place’s environment and weather conditions.

People native to a particular place develop natural immunization over the period of time, but immigrants are not physically ready to tackle diseases prevalent in other country. That is why immunization through travel shots and vaccines must be administered before the plane takes off to the destination. This will help prepare the body of traveler in fighting the health hazards without falling sick or infected.

There are three types of vaccinations namely routine, recommended and required. Routine vaccinations are those for rubella, mumps, measles, diphtheria, hepatitis B, influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and other such illnesses which are administered on infants and children. If you might be missing on any of these vaccines, then traveling is a good time to get them.

Second type is ‘recommended’. These vaccines would depend on the travel destination. For instance, if you were going to visit western European sites, then your doctor would recommend receiving Hepatitis and B vaccinations. On the other hand, a visit to south pacific would call for a broader list of medicines.

The third type of travel medication would be ‘required’, and the person does not have a choice whether to get it or not. These are compulsory medications which the person must get, in order to lawfully enter a country. These medications are mandatory as per immigration laws. Health regulation authorities lay down the underlying guidelines for such medications. For example, before visiting any country in Africa or South America, a person must first get fever vaccine.

Upon visiting a clinic, your travel doctor would tell which shots and injections are necessary for a disease-free trip. In addition, these medications are given several days and even weeks before the day of departure arrives.

For a memorable trip free from illnesses and infections, it is highly recommended and necessary to get right travel shots from a good travel clinic.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A visit to travel clinic is a must before you fly to a foreign land

Before you pack your bags for exploring exciting destinations around the world, you must fix your meeting with a doctor available at travel hospitals. If you are going to a place that is new to you, then you must consult a travel doctor before you leave your own country.

In some countries, there is a high risk that you may suffer from certain health issues.  You may not be familiar with diseases and health issues common at a particular place. By scheduling your meeting with travel experts, you will come to know about travel immunizations you need before visiting a particular country.
Not only, these health care institutions will provide you significant information about vaccinations instead they give their clients valuable advises that will help them in staying fit and healthy on a trip to a foreign country.

The doctors at travel clinics will discuss with you useful information about the country that you are planning to visit. It is better for you if you provide travel expert necessary details of your trip. For example, in which city you are going, where you will stay, types of activities you have planned to carry out at that place and how many days you would like to spend there. On discussing such details, the doctor will provide some dos and don’ts that you should follow in order to enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

Some people have opinion that they do not need any vaccination before going out from their own country as they have got those shots in the past.  There are certain health problems for which you need vaccinations again and again after specified intervals in order to keep distance from those problems. Such vaccinations act as a booster to your previous immunizations and minimize the risk of being suffering from a particular heath issue.

Moreover, the vaccinations you need to take depend upon the place you are visiting. Some places may put you on the risk of suffering from yellow fever while there are place where on traveling you may suffer from malaria or any other issue. There are also places where you may not need travel vaccinations instead if you take certain precautionary measures, you can travel safely to the destination of your choice.

Prevention is better than cure, instead of falling sick at a new place; it would be a better idea to take precautions in advance to have fun during your vacation.
The main purpose of travel clinics is to provide significant details to people who are planning to visit a foreign country so that they can stay healthy during their vacation.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Do you make sure you are immunized before travelling?

It doesn’t matter how strong your immunity is. Even if your diet keeps you in perfect health and you never forget to take your vitamins, your body might not be ready to handle the onset of a new disease, if it had never tackled with it before.
A unique and surprisingly lesser known fact about traveling to foreign lands is that you become instantly and extremely prone to diseases you possibly have never even heard of.

This reason behind this is that these diseases don’t thrive in your city, state, or possible county. They have either been eradicated, or were never at a risk of becoming an epidemic, because of a superior health care system.
When you visit a certain third or a second world country, you automatically become prone to the life threatening diseases that exist there.

The solution for this is immunization. You should visit  travel vaccination center and discuss your travel plans with the doctors, there. They will let you know which diseases exist where you are travelling, and provide with the appropriate vaccination.

For example, Hepatitis A is common in the Indian subcontinent, the Far East and also some South American and European nations. Polio and Tetanus are still prevalent all over the globe in certain places. When you discuss your travelling plans with the doctors, be sure to do so in full detail.

If your plan includes travelling to more countries or continents than one, be sure to let the doctor know about that too. As a matter of fact, it will be sensible to inform him, even if you are merely travelling to different parts of the same country.

If you are travelling with your family, friends, colleagues, or any kind of a group, you can also get the vaccination done collectively. This will be both cost effective, and ensure your complete safety. You will obviously be spending some time with the people that you are travelling with. If they are not immune, and catch something, the chances of you catching it from them also appear.

Be safe before you travel and make sure, you are immune to whatever hazards lay ahead.

A visit to a travel vaccination center is a must before travelling abroad. Your health is the most important thing, and without good health, everything else is impossible to fully savor.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Who needs to visit a travel clinic in New York city?

Travelling abroad is one of the most exciting things you will get to do in your entire life. Regardless of where you are travelling, and for what reason, it is a great opportunity to expand your horizons. You won’t just get to meet new people, and eat food that is native to a cuisine, you’ve never tasted before. Experiencing a brand new culture, can be a life changing event for many reasons.

In this scenario, there is no reason, why you should let anything get in your way of savoring the moment completely.

Before you travel to other countries, especially third world countries, there is one thing, you must remember.

There may be certain diseases that thrive in certain areas of the world; you need to watch out for.

You are not immune to hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Typhoid, and other such dangerous ailments. It’s not as if the local populations of the countries, where these diseases, and their likes, thrive, remain unharmed by them.

You on the other hand, you have never experienced them, which is why your body, will not adapt to the local conditions of other countries. You will be at an increased danger, when you travel to places, with these diseases.

It is basically, the same as the case of a new born, slowly adapting to the world. As an infant, he might get sick easily. Cough, cold, and fever are a common affair with all infants. Still, as he grows, his body starts adapting to the conditions of his surroundings. He becomes naturally healthier, and more immune.

Make sure that you visit a travel clinic in New York City, or wherever it is that, you are boarding your flight from.

The doctors as such clinic, will guide as to the kind of shot, or medicines you should get. They will also know which diseases may be found in the country that you are travelling to. Just be sure that you disclose our travel plans comprehensively.

In some cases, depending on the specific city that you are travelling to, different diseases may thrive in different parts of the same country.

Remember! It’s always better to be safe, than sorry!

Visit a travel clinic in New York City to get the appropriate vaccination that will protect you from suffering from the diseases that thrive locally, wherever you are travelling to.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Before heading for foreign trip have you taken health precaution measures?

If your answer is no, then my dear friend you definitely don’t have any idea about the circumstances that you might have to face when you land at the foreign land.
Health precaution measures are significantly very important to take before heading for the trip, if one wants to have a healthy trip.

Here measures refer to in-taking of vaccinations from travel clinic. This will help you stay safe from the diseases that are prevalent in foreign countries (for example yellow fever disease in Africa and South America).

A consultation with travel clinic doctor will help you to be safe and give you all information related to precautions to taken and activities too be avoided.
The country you are visiting, the doctors of travel clinic will be very well aware of its climatic conditions, diseases prevalent there, and necessary vaccines that can help traveler to be safeguard from those diseases.

Generally, the vaccines categorized in three types: routine required and recommended. The doctors of travel clinic will tell which all vaccines are must too be taken, depending on travelers place to visit, area of work, activities he will get involved in etc. Out of three types of vaccines, required ones are those that should not be neglect and this is something that demanded by the visa authorities before traveler steps into the foreign country.

In additions, you may also have to undergo certain tests that are also requiring showing to authorities. The travel clinic doctor that you need to show the authorities will provide a certificate to you. This will ensure them that you immunized against the diseases.

Besides just providing vaccines, doctor will also provide travel medications shots in NYC to travelers. This will protect them from minor illness prevalent in the countries they are visiting. Some people have altitude or motion sickness, for them doctor of travel clinic will provide necessary medicines.

After reading the document you must have got an idea how important, it is to get immunize before heading for the trip. Therefore, if you are going to foreign country make sure you have taken all necessary measures that will help you keep safe from deadly diseases prevalent in the country you are visiting.

If you going abroad make sure to visit travel clinic prior three to four weeks before the trip and get all required travel shots from NYC.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

How many of us would choose to go in for a pre-travel medical check-up?

Hardly anyone! Because there are so many things that we consider are more prior than going for pre-travel medical check-up.

Here other things refer to packing of right clothes, shoes, sunblocks, sunglasses, gloved, moisturisers etc.

Most of us probably do such thing because we aren’t aware of the circumstances or do not have knowledge about the need of vaccinations before heading on for the location. 

You need to understand the importance of travel vaccines in New York City. It is extremely important for a traveller to get prepared for check-up before moving to a location. There is an obvious fact behind this, that visiting to a different location means coming in contact of a new weather. It will also help you know whether you are fit to go for the trip or not.

The able clinic will not just provide you vaccinations, but will also explain to you about the climate of the place, diseases prevalent there and measures you need to take to be safe.

Once you are vaccinated for your trip, you will be safe from deadly diseases and eventually this will ensure you that you are save from lot of problems. In addition to this, it also mean now you are fit to enjoy to the fullest at remote locations.

Hence, the bottom line is get yourself immune, if you don’t want to sit back in the hotel room and see other others enjoying.

Most of the people have illusion that getting indulged into such things means spending of too much money. If you too think alike you are absolutely wrong. Visiting travel clinic is not just good in terms of service, but also in terms of paying medical fee because only a bare minimum amount needed to paid by the traveller.

If you want to get best travel medical care, you need to look for suitable options that can meet your requirements.  All you need to do is research well. A bit of hard work in searching will definitely help you find a clinic that is equipped with best state of art equipment and excellent staff and services.

 If you are looking forward to have a big outing with family and friends, plan your trip and make sure you do not miss out the travel vaccines from New York City.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Protect yourself from yellow fever though immunization

Yellow fever is a severe viral ailment transmitted through the bite of a type of mosquito known as the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The viral infection is mostly spread in African & South American countries.

Many people have a belief that this disease spread person to person through direct contact. However, as I discussed before, this viral infections spread only by mosquito bite not by direct contact. This type of viral infection can result in:

  • jaundice (yellow skin or eyes)
  • fever
  • bleeding from different body parts
  • flu like signs
  • malfunctioning of kidney and liver
  • respiratory system failure
  • death (in severe cases)

Prevention against yellow fever:
Yellow fever immunization can help you protect from this life-threatening disease. This vaccine is a live virus vaccine that contains a weakened form of yellow fever virus that works for several years. Given as a single short, this immunization is administered by doctors at designated vaccine center.

People who are living in yellow fever prone areas are recommended to take this yellow fever shot every ten years. After immunization, you will be provided a stamped and signed proof (yellow card) which you will need to enter certain countries. Let me tell you that many countries need a proof of vaccination before giving an individual the permission to enter their country. This “International Certificate of Vaccination” becomes valid ten days after immunization and works for ten years.

People who should not receive yellow fever vaccine include:
  • yellow fever immunization is not recommended to children under  six months of age
  • yellow fever vaccine should not be given to pregnant
  • people who are hypersensitive to eggs because
  • persons who are receiving treatment for cancer (chemotherapy) or people with asymptomatic HIV infection will  only be administered with this vaccine if the exposure of this viral cannot be avoided

Note: children under age 6 and pregnant women can be considered(by examining various health factors)  for yellow fever vaccinations only if they are travelling area that are highly prone to this viral.

Persons between 9 to 6o years of age who are travelling to areas or living in areas that are at high risk of yellow fever are recommended to receive this vaccine.

In order to protect you from spectrum of disease caused due to yellow fever, timely administration of yellow fever shot is necessary.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Learn about yellow fever shots and vaccine before heading for the trip!

The most important step to adhere before heading to South America or Africa is intake of yellow fever vaccine. It is a preventive measure to safeguard yourself and our loved ones, who will travel in those locations.

Yellow fever is a deadly viral infection found in parts of South America, and West and Central Africa. Due to bite of an infected mosquito people living in there or travelling in those locations, come across flu-like illness, jaundice, liver failure, respiratory failure, kidney failure, vomiting of blood, and possibly death.

The symptoms of this disease are not visible instantly, but begin 3 to 6 days after infection. However, if taken precautions beforehand then one will be able to safeguard their lives form the life-threatening disease.

Here precautions refer to yellow fever shots needed to take 10-15 days prior the trip before one gets expose to the virus.

However, before taking the vaccine few things are ought to known by the traveler. Let’s gets started:
  • Vaccine shots given to adults and to children are who are of 9 months.
  • After every 10 years, yellow fever vaccine is must to be taken by people.
  • Vaccines categorized in three types: routine, required, and recommended.  In some cases, vaccines recommended in some areas and required in other countries.
  • Patients who are suffering from HIV, cancer, thymus disorder, they are not supposed to take these vaccines. Moreover, even pregnant women’s can’t go for it.
  • People visiting South America and Africa fall in category of required type need to also present vaccinations certificate to the authorities. Travelers without the proof of vaccination will neither not be allowed to enter the country or get denial for visa.
  • People who have taken this vaccine in past, they still need to take booster in order to be safe from allergic reactions of this life threating disease. However, it’s must for traveler to tell the doctor, if he or she has taken the shots earlier.
  • Besides attaining vaccine, a track of side effects should also be known so that one does not get panic, if one experiences any allergy or side effects.   Some get allergic to egg protein, get mild or severe headache, muscle ache and low grade fever. In addition to it, people can also face shortness of breath, lip or tongue swelling etc.
  • Besides attaining vaccine, some other precautions that one must take are as follows: stay in air-conditioned areas, cover your body properly so that mosquito does not bite and make use of insect repellants that will help keep the mosquitos away.

If you are heading to South America or Africa, make sure you and your loved one have taken yellow fever shots .

Friday, October 11, 2013

Guidelines followed by doctors when providing travel immunization in NYC to travelers!

If you are planning to go abroad, certain precautions are must to consider in order have a healthy trip.
Here precautions refer to vaccinations that given to the traveler on basis of few factors like: travel destination, length of stay, activity in which traveler will be involved during the trip and vaccines taken by the traveler in past.

To obtain the vaccines, traveler needs to consult the travel doctor prior one or two months before the trip because vaccines take time get effective in the body. Hence, to be totally safe from the deadly diseases, it is important to obtain vaccines before heading on for the trip.

The doctor of travel clinic follows few guidelines, while providing travel immunization in NYC to travelers:

The foremost thing that the doctor considers before giving vaccines to traveler is destination where he or she is visiting. For example, traveler going to West and Central Africa and in parts of Central and South America, he’s given yellow fever vaccines because those parts are yellow fever epidemic areas.
Next thing doctor check is vaccines taken by travelers in past. This is important to consider because some vaccines will require booster and some may not.

Usually, vaccines are divided into three sections: routine, recommended, and required.
The traveler on routine basis procures routine vaccines, while many may have attained these vaccines when they were infant or child. The vaccines that come under this category are: measles, tetanus, pertussis, mumps, rubella, varicella, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenza type b, and pneumococcal invasive disease.

Recommended vaccines suggested by the doctor to the traveler in order to also be safe from minor illnesses. This section includes vaccines of hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis, typhoid and medications for Malaria.

Required vaccines are the most important and priority ones that are sure-fire cannot be missed out by the doctor and by the traveler. This given to the traveler six weeks prior to the departure date, so that it affects last out till the traveler is in the epidemic country. Vaccines that come under it are: yellow fever, hepatitis A & B, rabies, polio, Japanese Encephalitis, typhoid, tetanus and many more.

Moreover, required vaccines are the priority one checked by the airport authorities and if they find traveler is not immune with the required vaccines, they won’t allow him or her to enter the country.

However, before giving any of these aforementioned vaccines, doctor will also check the health condition of traveler. This is important to check because many times vaccines can cause health issues also.

 If you want to get travel immunization from NYC, make sure you have consulted the best travel doctor of the city.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Planning to go abroad? Pre-book your travel vaccination in NYC!

Are you the traveler? Then very first thing you need to do is protect yourself from life-threatening diseases.

You may require attaining several kinds of immunizations before heading on for an international trip. Some vaccines may require to be attained prior to the trip or just few days before the trip.

Further the attainment of vaccines is categorized on the basis of doses, as well because some vaccines would either require 2-3 doses and some may require even more, depending on the country one is visiting, season, duration of stay and residing place.

However, to attain it, a traveler needs to schedule an appointment with a travel clinic.
Unlike to hospitals, where one has to wait in long queues, travel clinics schedule the vaccination of travelers in NYC, right away when they enter the clinic. There in the doctor will first examine the traveler and then provide relevant vaccines.

Vaccinations are basically categorized in three types: routine, required, and recommended. Further which is sectioned on various other factors like:

Vaccination for special needs: People who are chronic to health problems like asthma, diabetes or any respiratory and cardiac ailments; they will be given vaccines keeping in mind their pre-existing medical condition. This is because attainment of travel vaccine can be harmful to their life, if not considered. Moreover, adults over the age of 65 will also be provided special vaccines, because of the same reason.

Vaccination for children: Vaccination to children and young adults are also given with cautious because immune system of them is not too strong that could take up the strong doses of vaccines. This is why medical practitioners usually recommend Hepatitis B and Meningococcal disease to protect them against diseases.

Vaccination for high risk areas: If a traveler is going to a high risky area, travel clinic doctor will surely give him or her recommended vaccine. Some of these include Japanese encephalitis, tuberculosis and typhoid. However, before giving immunization, doctor will ensure from the government travel advisory about the disease prevalent in the location where traveler is heading.

Vaccination for specific diseases: Vaccination for a number of specific diseases like influenza, yellow fever, rabies, Q fever, meningitis, as well as hepatitis A and B are especially not missed out because these are most deadly disease that are commonly found in other countries.

Along with vaccines, doctor will also provide travel health advice to people that will help safeguard them from minor illnesses like fever, cough, cold etc. Eventually, this will help ensure the traveler that he is completely safeguarded from the deadly diseases.

Prevention is better than cure, so if you are thinking to go abroad then definitely get travel vaccination from NYC to have a safe and pleasant trip.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

To make your journey healthy & stress free, get immunizations & yellow fever shot!

Before heading on for an abroad trip, many things are needed to be taken into consideration. Out of all, a very important aspect that cannot be missed out is related to health.

Before beginning the journey, visiting a walk in clinic is the foremost thing that is needed to be done. Although there are hospitals and clinics to cater this as well, but choosing travel clinics is the visible option because doctors and nurses of these clinics have their forte in providing travel vaccines.

Moreover, consultation with travel clinic doctor would provide you all essential information that would help you prevent from coming in contact with harmful diseases.

People who have altitude sickness or are vulnerable to motion sickness when flight takes off or lands, they will get necessary medicines from the travel doctor that would help in controlling their motions and make them feel at ease.

The doctors of these clinics are not just specialized in providing medications and vaccines, they are very well aware of thee climatic conditions of the country where you are planning to visit. The disease prevalent in those areas that is causing increase risk of health issues is also known by the doctors.

Vaccines are categorized in three types: routine required and recommended. According to your location and diseases prevalent there, you would be given thee vaccines from either of the types of vaccines. There are chances that you might even get all the vaccines, after seeing your journey location and vaccines that you have not attained so far.

Usually, routine and recommended vaccines are given before the starting of journey and required ones are those that are must be taken (which are also demanded by the authorities of other countries). Till the time, immigrant is not immune with the required vaccines; they do not allow the immigrant to enter the country.

Basically, vaccines that come under required category are: yellow fever shot, Hepatitis B, Typhoid, Polio, Rabies, Japanese Encephalitis, Tetanus, Meningitis and few others. However, requirement of in-taking of these vaccinations would depend on the location factor. Thinking why? Well, because yellow fever is prevalent in countries like West and Central Africa and in parts of Central and South America and respectively other diseases would be spread in different locations.

Furthermore, to prove that vaccines are taken by the immigrant, a certificate is needed to be shown, which is provided by the travel clinic doctor.

As travel clinic doctors are specialized in providing immunizations like yellow fever shot, if one is heading to West and Central Africa or in parts of Central and South America, they must get immunization.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Travel only after immunizing your body from the possible heath threats!

Travelling is one of the most adventurous activities there is. Regardless of whether you are travelling for work or leisure, you will get to see new faces, places and experience new culture and one is bound to get excited by the very thought of what’s in store, when one travels.
But do you know that your body cannot adjust in a new environment right away?
No, I’m not talking about jetlag or the weather! I am in fact referring to the fact that there are certain odd diseases that thrive in certain areas of the world. These diseases are not odd because they are rare or unique.
Diseases like Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Typhoid exist all around the world, but because you haven’t had to face them where you live, and so they are rare and unique for you, reason being that your body is not prepared to handle them.
Immunity, as you may know builds naturally. For example, an infant may take long to recover from a mosquito bite or a skin rash but as he grows into an adult, his body has the ability to deal with such issues and can recover, even overnight.
When you go overseas, it will not be wrong to say that you are like an infant and the local diseases, like the mosquito bite in the above sited example. As such, it will not be considered wise on your part to travel without being fully prepared to tackle the same.
But do not worry, because there is a simple solution to this problem. Look for a clinic that provides Travel Vaccines in New York City or wherever you are boarding from.

Leave the details up to the in-house experts. They will let you know exactly which shot you need to get, depending on where you are travelling.

For example if you are off to a certain nation in Africa or South America, you may be prone to acquiring Yellow Fever, similarly you are prone to Polio if you are travelling to Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Eastern Europe.

Just make sure that you disclose your travel plan to the doctor in full detail so he knows what to treat you with and how to go about it.

You have to understand that here in the US, health standards are among the highest in the world and several diseases like polio have been eradicated fully.

Diseases are not just limited to the developing countries of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe or Central America but even in the so called developed second and first world countries, so visit a specialist before you travel to anywhere in the world just to be sure.

Travel Vaccines in New York City are like a gift any anyone that is travelling globally. Visit one, before boarding that plane to prevent serious repercussions.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Travel Immunizations are a must before you go out from your country!

With the desire to visit beautiful destination all across the world, millions of people travel to foreign countries in order to explore beauty and charm associated with some popular destinations of the world. Interestingly, the number of people who travel from one place to the other has doubled in the past few years.

But, this increased number of travelers from all over the world has resulted in numerous health issues.  The surveys conducted in different parts of the world shows that numerous health problems have become common in certain places.
That is why; different nations are taking precautions and appropriate measures to prevent different health issues.  Some of the countries in different parts of the world do not give entry to foreigners, if they are not immunized.

Such conditions have resulted in development of travel vaccines NY. These types of vaccinations are specifically meant for people who want to have a splendid vacation outside their country. 

In order to get more information about such vaccines, it would be a fair idea to schedule a meeting with a travel doctor.  The travel doctors have wide knowledge of different types of diseases that are common in different nations and what can be done to stay away from these health issues, when you are on a vacation in foreign land.

Furthermore, they will discuss necessary details of your trip so as to provide you some valuable tips that will help you in staying fit on a foreign land.  They will let you know what to do and what to avoid on visiting a particular country.
Climatic conditions vary from one country to the other. That is why, you need to be careful during your trip. You can get yourself immunized in order to protect yourself from infections and other diseases.

Apart from this, on visiting a travel expert, it is a must for you to tell your doctor clearly about your previous medical history, in case, if you are suffering from any health problem. In such conditions, your doctor will give you proper medications and immunizations that will keep you healthy and fit when you are out from your native country.

Besides this, some people suffer from altitude sickness. Such people may feel tired and restlessness. But, on discussing such issues with a travel expert, he or she will give you certain tips to minimize the effect of altitude sickness and jet lag.

So,  whenever you are going out for a vacation or any business purpose, do not think much in going to a travel doctor as he or she will give you best information and guidance that will help you in preventing yourself from any health issue.

The benefits associated with travel vaccines NY are countless. So, get yourself immunized before you go out from your native country.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Why visiting a travel doctor is Important before planning holidaying abroad?

Whether you are going out of your country for pleasure or business purposes, it is important for you to make sure that you stay in good health so that you can travel safely. Today, certain health issues have become quite common these days when one travels. 

In case, you face any health issue in your own country, surely, it will be an easy procedure for you to get the right medication and treatment. But, what will you do in case you fall sick during your holiday in other than your native country? Surely, it will be a trouble for you.

No doubt, developed nations are equipped with advance medical techniques that ensure the best quality treatment to the patients. But, what will be your situation, if you have visited a country that does not offer quality medical services?

Surely, you will begin your search for a qualified doctor in that country but finding the doctor in the country that is new to you is the toughest task to do.
If you want to avoid such circumstances, then it would be a fair idea to fix your meeting with a travel doctor to know more about travel medicine in NYC.

Moreover, there are certain vaccinations specifically meant for people who are planning to go out from their country.  Once you get proper medication and immunization, you are no longer at a risk from suffering from a health issue on traveling abroad.

Most of the people are unaware of this fact that some countries ask for a proper certificate that shows that you have been immunized with certain vaccines. 

Travel doctors have adequate knowledge of the issues that are common in different parts of the world, providing each and every piece of information that can make your journey safe and happy. Moreover, they will also discuss with you the necessary details associated with your trip such as for how long you will be staying on a foreign land and the place at which you are planning to stay.

Moreover, the activities you are planning to take up have a major role to play. On discussing such information with travel expert, they will give you valuable tips that you can follow so as to enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

Apart from this, most of the people experience jet lag on crossing different times zones.  People experiencing jet lag feel irritated, fatigue and a change in the eating habits is commonly observed.

In such conditions, travel experts can give you some do’s and don’ts that must follow while traveling, making it easy for you to adjust yourself in time zone of that country.
So what are you waiting for? If you want to have a memorable vacation then fix your meeting with a travel doctor to get hold of significant information that will help you in staying healthy.
Travel medicine in NYC is proving beneficial for countless number of people who are planning to spend some good time with their families on a foreign land.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How travel vaccines add more to your wonderful trip?

It has been seen that many people visit international locations for their business or vocational tours. Because of the ease of travel, it is much easier to move across the globe. When planning trip to any foreign country, it is important for the traveller to be aware to important factors associated with the travel and health.
He/ she should have the information about current weather conditions, information regarding whether or not that area is open to infection carrying bacteria etc.
All this is required to protect your health from potential health issues. Before these risks become reality, it is important to visit the nearby travel clinic to calm all the potential health issues by taking right prescriptions and advises.
Some areas are prone to some special kind of infections or diseases and some infections are spread only in certain months of the year due to climate changes. The doctors at the travel clinic are well-versed to such factors related to your trip.
They are the professionals that provide you right travel vaccines in New York by evaluating you for various health factors and after knowing the important things related to foreign visit. They can examine your health conditions by conducting various tests. The doctors at the clinic may ask your numerous questions, such as your age, the area where you are going to travel, on what projects you are going to work during your visit, whether it is an urban or rural area, for what time you are going to stay over there, and lots of other things, so to come with the right prescription for your case.
The doctors at the travel clinic have complete knowledge of vaccinations that are compulsory for moving to different countries. Many countries have made it mandatory that visitors must have taken the right travel immunizations. The officials of the travel department check visitors’ certificate issued by the related travel clinic in order to make sure that the visitor has taken all the right medication. Otherwise, their request to enter that country can be restricted.
There are different types of vaccinations, such as rubella, measles, tetanus, diphtheria, polio, pertussis, and BCG (Bacille-Calmette-Guerin), used to fight against different types of potential infections or life-threatening diseases.
Tetanus vaccinations may be given to a pregnant woman where the baby may take birth under unsterile circumstances. Pregnant ladies should avoid travelling in malarial areas as the infections can cause deformities in the baby to be born.
Certain immunizations, such as yellow fever vaccines when you are going to visit Africa and the Eastare, are regulatory requirements. Ensure that your medical practitioner has a certain experience to work in this field so to get the right vaccination for your trip.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Reasons that make visiting travel clinic so important!

Worldwide number of travelers is increasing every year. According to the facts, the rate of travelers would reach up to 9 billion till the years 2025, which is now approximately 5 billion at present time.

With the increase rate of number of travelers, the risk of spreading diseases has also increased a lot. This is where the importance of travel vaccination becomes vitally important, especially when one is travelling to countries that are epidemic prone.

However, to get vaccination one needs to visit a travel clinic. Thinking why? Following are few points that would explain you this and also let you know the reasons that make the visit to travel clinic so important:

To get peace of mind: Be it a business or a family trip, you would always want to enjoy to the fullest. For this you need to be assured that you are safeguarded from the deadly diseases. Thus visiting a travel clinic is very important so as to have a peace of mind that you won’t get infected by any of the diseases. For example, if traveler is traveling to South Africa then he would be having a risk of getting in contact with yellow fever which is a deadly disease. Thus to protect oneself from the disease and to enjoy the trip with a great peace of mind it’s extremely important to visit a clinic.

Vaccinations: In order to prevent oneself from coming in contact with diseases like hepatitis A & B, European tick-borne encephalitis, typhoid, influenza, cholera, yellow fever, polio, Japanese encephalitis, and rabies it’s important to get travel immunizations from NYC or from anywhere else where one is residing.  However, to get vaccines one needs to visit travel clinic prior 4 to 6 weeks before the trip date, so that vaccines get affected into the body and before one reaches to the location one is immune from those diseases.

Travel certificate: To get entry in the country where one wants to visit, it’s important to carry a travel certificate along because the authorities at airport won’t allow the traveler to enter the country till the time he shows his travel vaccination certificate.

Advice: Besides just getting immunization, it’s also important to take advice of the doctor so that one can also safeguard themselves from other minor ailments (fever, cold, cough), as well. Doctor would provide prescription to the traveler that he or she can take during the trip.

From all the aforementioned points you must have got enough clear reasons of why it’s so important to visit a travel clinic before one embarks for the trip.

If you are thinking to go abroad then never miss out to get travel immunizations from NYC travel clinic.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Get immunized before you travel abroad

Travelling to a distant location, weather for work or leisure is exciting, enthralling and entertaining.
The most significant characteristic about a new and occasionally exotic place is change. We get lured by new places, new faces and new culture.
But change is not always good. Change can also be found also in the form of diseases and sicknesses that thrive in certain areas of the world.
What makes locally thriving diseases dangerous is the fact that our bodies and organs are virgin when it comes to dealing with them, and have no natural immunity to defend themselves against these potentially fatal diseases.
Diseases like Yellow fever, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B are dangerous so if you are travelling abroad, it is bare essential for you to the get the appropriate vaccination before you board.
Travel vaccinations in NYC are available, but the trick is to find a reliable and affordable source that is battle tested and renowned for the quality and effectiveness of its vaccines.
The type of vaccine you should get depends on the disease that thrives in the area to where you are travelling to.
Refer to the following before you look for a source for getting immunized:
Hepatitis A: This is found in South America, Far East and South-East Asia. Apart from this, because it affects the liver, anyone who has a sensitive or chronically damaged liver can also get Hepatitis A vaccine.
Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B is a more severe version of Hepatitis A and is found in the Middle East, Far East, South-East Asia, Southern Europe and Africa.
Polio: Polio affects the nervous system and can easily be obtained through contaminated food and water. Most of the developed world has rid itself of Polio. You should get a polio vaccine if you are travelling to Asia, Africa or the Eastern side of Europe.
Yellow fever: Yellow fever spreads via mosquito bites and is found in west and central Africa and Central and South America.
Meningitis: People travelling to the Saudi Arabia for hajj or Umrah pilgrimage should be cautious of Meningitis and get the appropriate vaccine to deal with the same. Meningitis is a highly communicable disease and can spread very easily and rapidly, so if you are travelling to a Meningitis prone area, take extra precaution.
Tetanus: Tetanus is found in Saudi Arabia and some African countries.
Apart from the above mentioned diseases, there are other diseases also. To avoid risks of acquiring diseases like typhoid, rabies, Japanese Encephalitis and others, do a thorough research and get immunized accordingly if you want to enjoy your trip abroad to its fullest.
Get Travel Vaccinations in NYC before going abroad if you want to avoid acquiring any potentially fatal diseases.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Take a look at the factsheet related to travel vaccines!

Every country has risk of diseases and to be safe from those it’s quite important for a traveler to get vaccination. For this one needs to talk to their travel medicine professional, who would provide them guidance for vaccines according to the trip location, date and activity.

However, one needs consult the doctor prior two or three month to the trip date, so that he can completely administer you and then start with the process of vaccines. Another important reason for this is that enough time is required because vaccination takes time to get affected in the body and produce enough antibodies that will protect the person from the diseases. Moreover, to complete the course and for any booster doses doctor needs ample time for the same.

Following are the travel vaccines that are given to the traveler based on the location he or she is visiting:

Tetanus: Usually, this vaccine is given at the age of 15 and 17 years and again at the age of 50 years. However, people who are travelling to country like Australia they need to take this vaccine for sure because it is a high risky area. Moreover, travelers who would be on outdoor activities like work with animals, jungle expeditions or so, they must take tetanus vaccination.

Hepatitis A: Travelers who are travelling to areas of Indian subcontinent, the Far East, South America and Eastern Europe they are at greater risk of getting Hepatitis A. This infection is contagious that is caused due to liver disease.

Typhoid: Commonly found in countries like South Asia, parts of south East Asia, the Middle East, Central and South America, and Africa, it is a disease which is caused due to bacteria called Salmonella typhi when any person consumes contaminated food, milk and water.

Japanese encephalitis: Commonly seen in areas of Asia such as the Philippines, Korea, China, Nepal and India, it is an infection that is caused due to bite of mosquito. However, risk would be more at times when one visits during monsoons. Additionally, various outdoor activities are also the cause of Japanese encephalitis.

Yellow fever: Likewise Japanese encephalitis is caused to mosquito bite, similarly yellow fever is contracted through the bite of an infected mosquito. Thus travelers who are travelling to endemic countries like Africa and South America, they would be prone to these diseases more.

Rabies: It is a life threating infection, which is caused due to bite of mosquito or due to scratch of an infected animal like cat, dog, fox etc. Mostly this disease is prevalent in developing countries and thus people who are planning to go on adventure trips mostly they are advisable to take this vaccine.

If you have trip on your cards to any of the countries like Asia, Africa, America or developing countries, you must make sure to take travel vaccines.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Before you travel, get immunized!

Traveling is great! Seeing a new place with new people can be one of the greatest experiences of your life. Travelling is your gateway to experiencing new cultures, eating worldwide cuisines and seeing new monuments and holiday spots.

You may even have to travel in the context of your work or business. Meeting overseas clients and partners is important for you profession, and there’s no telling which country your work might take you to.

But there is more to just booking your air ticket, packing your suitcase and bidding goodbye to your folks! Have you taken under consideration, the possibility of acquiring a disease that thrives locally in the area that you are visiting?

Now because the local people have been living there, under the sort of conditions for a long time, their bodies naturally develop immunity against the disease but that may not be the case for you.

Diseases such as Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid, Rabies, Polio and several others are found in different parts of the world. They are very contagious and just as dangerous. So, if you are travelling to a certain destination for the first time, you ought to visit a specialized clinic that carries vaccines to provide immunity against specific diseases.

Keep these things in mind before you have made a decision on where you are getting your travel immunizations from:

Tell the in-house doctor, exactly where you are travelling, not just the continent or the country but even the local area inside the country, as the geographically, a certain type of disease may exist in only a small part of the country and a different part of the country may be infected with another disease. A clinic with a good faculty will provide you with exactly what you need as per your travel plans.

Make sure that the clinic has an experienced faculty and provides you with the right dosage and type of vaccine according to your age, gender, medical history, built etc.

Tell the doctor about your medical history and whatever medicines you are taking at the time of your travel to avoid any chance of a cross-reaction or an allergic reaction.

Choose a clinic that provides you with the immunization that you require at an affordable price. Travelling can be expensive, and taking a good part of your budget out just on the pre prep may not be something you are willing to do, so make sure that you are not being ripped off and choose a cost effective clinic to get your immunization from.

And finally, make sure that the clinic has a good reputation and a history of happy and satisfied clientele.

Get your travel immunizations from a good source to make sure that you have a happy and safe journey.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Complete information about travel clinics!

Visiting to tropical locations means that one would come in contact with many infectious diseases. Therefore, it’s vital to visit a travel clinic, in order to ensure that you are protected from those diseases.

However, some people still may not have any idea about them, probably they haven’t visited these clinics and at times when needed to get travel vaccinations they use to go to hospital.

But visiting hospitals for getting vaccines is not a good option, when travel clinics are there. For those who do not have any idea about them, this article would give you a clear idea about them. Let’s have a look on the complete guide over travel clinic:

When to look for travel clinic:

Be it your business trip or family holiday, it’s essential to get vaccination, so as to protect yourself and your loved ones from the diseases you might encounter while your trip.

A traveler needs to visit the clinic prior 8 weeks before their trip date because of the fact that it takes time to get affected in the body. Therefore, visiting just one day before the trip date would be a mistake on one’s part. Hence, a traveler must never miss out of visiting a travel clinic that too prior to the trip.

What does travel clinic in New York City or elsewhere offer:

The basic thing that these clinics offers is vaccinations that helps to protect the traveler from wide range of diseases such as rabies, polio, hepatitis A & B, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis and tetanus etc.

However, before providing you vaccines, doctor would ask you various questions like country you are visiting, in what season you are going, duration of your stay, location of the place, activities you are likely to get involved in and lastly your personal medical history.

Additional services offered by travel clinic:

Besides providing vaccines, doctor would also prescribe the traveler some medications that would help him or her protect from the minor illnesses like fever, cough, cold and infection etc. After providing vaccines, doctor would provide travel certificate that would act as a proof of a traveler being vaccinated. Moreover, it is essential to carry along while travelling, as airport authority won’t allow travelers to enter the country till the time they don’t show the certificate.

After looking over the complete guide of travel clinic, people who didn’t had any idea about these clinics must have definitely got a clear viewpoint about them. So, next time, when you plan to go abroad make sure to visit a travel clinic other than visiting a hospital. Besides getting vaccinations, your ample time would also be saved and hence you would be saved from the hassles that you usually had to face in hospitals because of the rush of patients.

No matter where you are travelling, it’s must to visit travel clinic in New York City or anywhere, according to your residing place.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Travel Immunizations: Why they are Important?

If you are one of the individuals who love to visit foreign countries, it is very important for you to have good health so that you can enjoy to the fullest. There is a possibility that you might fall sick on visiting a particular country.

What will you do in such conditions? Surely, you will prefer to visit a qualified doctor to get yourself treated in the best possible manner. But, the situation will become worse, in case you have visited a country not having adequate medical facilities.

It is quite apparent that nobody wants to fall sick especially when they are on a vacation. If you have taken precautions in advance, then you need not to worry about your health on visiting a foreign land. Now, the question is what type of precautions or measures need to be taken to avoid illness on visiting a country that is totally new to you?

It would be a fair idea to plan your visit to a travel clinic before you move to any other country.  These types of clinics are specifically meant for individuals who need to go out from their country for several reasons.

You are required to fix your appointment with a travel doctor to get the best travel advices. Moreover, they will make you aware about the type of illnesses and diseases that are common in different nations. It is imperative to know about several travel immunizations NYC to prevent those illnesses.

There are different services you can avail at the travel clinic. You can have look at the most important services mentioned below:

1. Recommending and providing travel prescriptions and vaccines.
2. Discussion on the details of the trip. For example, where you will stay, what type of activities you are planning to carry out and duration of your trip.
3. Once you have been immunized, the travel clinic will provide you International Certificate of Vaccination that you need to show to get an easy entry in a foreign country.

Apart from this, it is very essential for you to tell your previous medical history to the travel doctor.  If you are suffering from any health condition, then make sure that you have taken all the measures to stay healthy in any other country.

On visiting a travel doctor, he or she will provide you valuable guidance about the medication and immunization that is best for you.  Furthermore, you must be immunized with basic vaccinations meant to prevent diseases like tetanus, polio, influenza and yellow fever.

No matter, whether you are traveling for a business meeting or vacation, once you have been immunized, you will have peace of mind that you can travel safely to a new place.

So, do not think much in availing services of a travel doctor so as to have maximum fun and enjoyment during your trip.

Get to know more about travel immunizations NYC from an expert travel doctor so as to take adequate measures in advance to prevent illness, when you are out from your country.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Take travel clinics for a healthy, stress free and enjoyable journey

Regardless of the reason, why people travel abroad, be it for pleasure or for business purpose, a lot of things needs to be managed days before one could actually begin his or her journey. It means, deciding the budget, packing up stuff and everything related to traveling. But one important consideration to be kept in mind is to get your health ensured against the prevalent disease in your destination place.

What most of the people are not aware of is that every country has certain type of disease that is more common in that particular area. So upon visiting any foreign land, people are more vulnerable to catch those sicknesses. So what is the solution to this thing? The answer is visiting a travel clinic.

What is a travel clinic? It is a medical facility, where you can get in touch in professional doctors who would provide you required vaccinations according to country you are going to visit. For instance, yellow fever is more common in African countries. So according to your tour plan, you doctor will administer required medication as well vaccinations to safeguard your health, while you will be on a foreign land.

Different people suffer from different types of problem on a different location. For instance, some people have motion sickness on hilly areas, while some have problem associated with jet lag. Jet lag is a medical condition in which a person experiences disorientation during a long flight, due to crossing multiple time zones. Body’s internal clock is affected which disrupts the sleeping pattern, body temperature and eating schedule. But by getting proper travel vaccines beforehand, weather you live in NYC or any other city, one can enjoy a comfortable journey without facing any such health issues during flight.

Similarly people with low immunity are more prone to fall prey to any type of disease on an outside country since our bodies are not naturally prepared to fight those illnesses. That is why; visiting a travel clinic should be our first priority on the list of our travel plans.

The doctors at these clinics are well aware of the environment conditions of the country you are going to visit, and administer necessary medications and vaccinations accordingly. They also inform people about necessary safety precautions to be ensured while you are out of your countries to keep you safe from catching diseases. Following the guidelines prescribed by the doctors at a travel clinic, you can enjoy a safety and healthy journey.

The best time to visit one such clinic is around six weeks before your planned trip. The reason is that such vaccinations need to be taken well before in advance to make them more effective.
If you are looking for travel vaccines in a city like NYC, then you can visit online to choose a travel clinic in your vicinity. Make it a point, not to forget visiting such clinic before you start off your journey.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Is travel vaccination really necessary before travelling?

Are you about to make a trip to a foreign country? Then you run under the risk of being come in contact with diseases and serious infections against which you have little or no resistance. Many infectious diseases or illnesses can be prevented through the administration of right vaccination or taking other preventative measures. 

Travel vaccinations NYC strengthens immune system of the person (who received it) so that their bodies can fight against serious infectious and diseases. The answer to the good question, “when to vaccinate?” is that some immunizations only provide protection if the person receive them a certain period before leaving for the journey. The administration of the right immunization largely depends upon the age of the person, type of the vaccination, the current health conditions of the patient, which other preventive medicines or vaccines the person have already had, and lots of other factors that we will discuss later in this document.

No one enjoys needles! But, you may have heard this expression, “Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth”. Therefore, to keep you healthy and protected under varying living environments, vaccinations for travel are really necessary.

Many people believe that why to get travel medicines while they are capable of take care of their self? The problem is that even if you do all necessary things correct such as avoid drinking local water or having eatable from roadside shops; do you think that local food points prepare food or wash dishes in bottled watered? A single drop of water on a wet plate could invite many viruses such as hepatitis. Therefore, getting vaccinated keep you away from such worries and allow you to enjoy your whole journey free from tensions of what to eat or what to not.

Some countries ask for the proof of a particular travel immunization such as hepatitis or yellow fever, before providing visa to the person. This is especially true in the regions of Africa and South America.

To get travel immunization in NYC, you may have to visit your local travel clinic. Finally, do not be depressed after knowing about several types of potential problems during journey. Chances are that you will feel healthier and active after receiving vaccines. Bottom-line, survival is a subject to do it smart and not taking threatening risks and stupid chances with the memorable journey of a lifetime.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Significance and Benefits of Travel Vaccines

Are you planning to go on a vacation with your family? Well, there are many preparations you need to do in advance. For example, if you are going to a country you have never visited before, then it is very necessary for you to gather maximum information about its prevailing weather conditions, accommodation facilities and tourist attractions.

When traveling to a foreign land, there is a possibility that you may encounter any health issue that you have not faced in your own country. However, it is quite apparent that if such thing happens, you will look for proper medication and treatment.

But, wouldn’t it be better, if you take precautions before traveling to any other country. Taking proper measures in advance will give you an exciting opportunity to spend some good time with your family members without any trouble.

Now, the question is what type of measures should be taken to avoid any illness in a country that is new to you. The answer to this question is very simple. You are just required to enhance knowledge about travel vaccines available in the market.

If you step out from your house, you will come across numerous clinics offering travel medication and immunizations.

You can have a look at some valuable tips having ability to provide you a happy and safe holiday.

1. Visit a Travel Clinic

These types of clinics aims at providing the best possible assistance to the individuals who are looking forward for a trip in a foreign country so that they can enjoy in the best possible manner. The professionals at these clinics provide valuable guidance after taking into account the place you are visiting, climatic conditions of the place, your length of stay and the activities you have planned to carry out during your holiday!

Now, enhance your knowledge about services offered by these clinics.

  • Discussing necessary details of the trip
  • Recommending different immunizations
  • Providing prescriptions
  • Using current database describing details about travel diseases

2. Knowing About Immunizations You Need

If you have any previous medical history, then you must not go out from your country without immunizations. Depending upon your health conditions, take a proper advice from the travel doctor so as to avoid illnesses during vacation.

Apart from this, make sure that you have been immunized with basic vaccines like polio and tetanus.

Many nations ask for International Certification of Vaccination before giving an entry to a foreigner in their countries. So, make use of reliable sources to grab useful information about the country you are planning to visit and the type of immunizations required to get an easy entry.

Don't think much and just fix your appointment with experts at travel clinic so as to have maximum fun and enjoyment during your holiday.

Enjoy your trip to the fullest and fly safely to a foreign land by getting yourself immunized with travel vaccines.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Why administration of travel vaccines is necessary?

One of the most common problems that many global travelers facing is how to deal with several types of illnesses, viruses, or other health emergencies in a foreign land. Even small illness can lead an individual to life-threatening issues, lost opportunities, unexpected cost, and an inability to complete your assigned tasks or other activities.

The thing that is important for travelers is to consider right preventive measures to assure a safe and memorable trip. Potential illnesses and viral diseases can be avoided with effective and safe immunizations and a clear understanding of getting travel vaccines.

A visit to the travel clinic helps guarantee that your trip will be remembered for all the health and pleasure reasons. When visiting foreign nations, people must visit their travel physicians because they can guide you in a better way regarding what kind of vaccination you need before travelling.

There are different types of travel vaccinations available in New York City, each of have their own use and benefits to provide a person with healthy and pleasant journey. Depending upon various factors, like the age of the traveler, current health conditions, country to visit, time you spend in the foreign nation, and others, physicians will administer vaccines accordingly.

Many health professionals believe that people who are frequently travel one country or another should include travel vaccines such as mumps, rubella, and tetanus in their list of travel itinerary.  Of the list of available immunizations, yellow fever shot is one that is needed by international health regulations. In countries like South America and Africa, it is necessary for the travelers to take this vaccine where there are more chances to expose to yellow fever. Which is a viral disease and there is no cure, and can be life threatening.

Apart from this, there are three other travel vaccines such as tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis that are recommended by the World Health Organization. Tetanus is kinds of bacterial infection that spreads in wounds and subsequently, affects the bodily nervous system. Diphtheria is a also a bacterial disease that commonly found in respiratory system. Pertussis, also known as whopping cough, is a communicable bacterial infection that commonly found in respiratory system. In some countries, such as USA, travelers are administered a combination of vaccinations that guarantee protection against all such diseases and infections.

Some immunizations are recommended only when visiting certain regions or countries. For instance, all travelers of Mexico should be immunized to prevent the effects of typhoid fever, according to Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Travel vaccinations centers are there in almost all the major cities, Miami, New York City or any other city for that matter. So, the next time you plan a trip; don’t forget to visit a travel clinic! 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Travel vaccination- A guide for travelers!

Are you planning to travel remote locations? If yes then you need to know certain facts related to travel vaccines. In the below segment of this write up you will certainly get to know about it and its working.

Originated from the word ‘vacca’ which means cow was invented by Edward Jenner in 1796. Since then its impact has grown a lot worldwide. Be it a new born baby traveler or accidental person; all require getting vaccination safeguard themselves from diseases.

Coming back on the point if you are going abroad then you must be aware of the travel vaccine facts. Let’s have a look at the factors on which recommendation of vaccines depend-

  • Which country you are visiting' is that part disease  prone
  • In area you would be staying (rural urban developed)
  • Time and season of travelling (winter, summers, rainy)
  • Type of work traveler would be  doing
  • How long is the stay of traveler
  • Health and age of traveler

When to visit a clinic: To get travel vaccinations in New York city or elsewhere and advice before heading for the trip its must to visit  travel clinic at least one month prior to the trip. This is necessary because vaccines take time to get active in human body.

Working of travel vaccinations: Two types of immunity is provided by vaccines:
  • Active Immunity
  • Passive Immunity

Active Immunity: It helps in ensuring that the body is protected from the diseases. Sufficient supply of antibody is given that makes the immune system of the body defensive against antibodies and also helps in destroying the current disease. Its effect in the human body will last for a long time. Therefore traveler need not have to worry during their second trip on the same place.
Vaccination working principle also replies on the fact that it does take time but has long lasting effects. Following are three vaccines that work on this same principal:

  • Live attenuated vaccine
  • Inactivated vaccine
  • Detoxified exotoxins

Passive immunity: In this antibodies are transferred which are obtained from an immune individual. It helps in providing immediate protection from the disease.

Although, it do not have a long lasting effect as active immunity has, but it straight away perform action in the human body to defend the infection.

For example: Hepatitis A immunoglobulin vaccine is passive immunity which acts immediately in the human body but has its effect only up till three months.
Therefore, before traveling to any remote locations make sure that you are vaccinated and not to forget to take travel certificate along with you (as custom duty people at airport won’t allow you to enter the country by the time you don’t show travel certificate).

Get complete travel health information vaccinations ‘diseases' risk and prevention information from travel clinic in New York city.

Monday, June 17, 2013

What vaccines are required to be taken before travelling to Africa?

Before heading for a trip, immunization is must to be taken in order to have a safe trip. And when it comes to trip to Africa, it’s vital to get yellow fever vaccination. Along with it, various other vaccines are also required to be taken which would lessen the chances of traveler getting in contact with serious diseases.

Let’s have a look at the important aspects that must to be considered prior to the trip of Africa:

Routine vaccinations

These are shots that are must to be taken by each individual, even if not planning for a trip to abroad. Some of the routine vaccines are: diphtheria, chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella pertussis, tetanus and influenza.

Recommended vaccines

Along with routine vaccines, recommend vaccines are also must to be taken. This comprise of polio, rabies, typhoid, meningitis and hepatitis A vaccinations. Out of all, hepatitis A and B is mostly recommended because Africa is high risky continent for this disease.

Yellow fever shot

Yellow fever is a deadly disease which is most commonly found in the regions of Africa and South America. It is caused by the bite of an infected mosquito when comes in contact with person. Person getting infected with it would have to face fever and flu symptoms, liver, kidney failure, jaundice, bleeding and death.

In order to prevent from this yellow fever shots are must to be taken prior to the trip. It helps in weakening the virus and safeguards the traveler form the disease. Usually, single shot is provided to the traveler, but people who stay in Africa and South America they are given booster vaccinations every 10 years.
Candidates who can get this vaccination

People living in and visiting to Africa

Infants of 9 months of age and people up to 59 years of age can get this vaccine.

Pregnant ladies are not recommended for this vaccine.

People suffering from life threatening condition.

From where to get immunized

In order to get yellow fever vaccine, traveler needs to visit a travel vaccination center at least four to six weeks prior to the trip, so that vaccines get effective in the body immediately before entering the country.

Together with vaccines, doctor would also prescribe certain medications that a traveler needs to carry along with him or her, in order to be safe from minor illnesses like fever, cough, pains etc.

After vaccination process is completed, doctor would provide travel certificate which traveler needs to carry during his trip because without it custom duty persons at airport won’t allow travelers to enter Africa.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

On what factors travel vaccinations depend?

Be it a zeal to explore tourism, going on exotic place with loved ones or for a business trip; reason could be any! But what comes into notice is that so many people across the globe are travelling from one country to another which has increased the chances of health risks. This is because people when travelling to high risky areas they are prone to get in contact with deadly diseases.

Therefore, due to increased risk of health it’s recommended to visit a travel clinic in order to get travel vaccinations that would safeguard the traveler from deadly diseases prevalent in NYC, Australia, Europe, Asia and other countries. However, receiving of vaccinations is dependent on few factors, to name a few are:

Geographical location: This is the foremost factor that decides which vaccine traveler would get. As different locations would have different types of diseases prevalent in that area, thus according to that traveler is vaccinated. For example, if one is visiting sub-Saharan and South Africa, where yellow fever is very commonly found that lead to one's death, it’s necessary one must get vaccinated before heading for the trip.

Moreover, it is more common to found in travelers because people coming from outside have higher chances of catching those diseases, as compared to the people staying in that area. Therefore, this is why travelers are said to get themselves vaccinated before their trip.

Duration of stay: Another factor that decides whether the traveler needs vaccine or not is how long they have to stay their? Although, it’s compulsory to get vaccines according to the government rules and regulations because if not done traveler won't be allowed to enter into the country, but there are times when traveler won't be vaccinated because they might already been vaccinated earlier during their past trip.

Booster vaccines: Trip to abroad very common nowadays amongst people thus this is the reason why people already have attained those vaccines which they would be getting again during their next visit. In technical termed as booster vaccines. This is giving of vaccination to the traveler twice when already he or she had received it during their previous visit to clinic. Therefore, after examining you (are you immune with that particular vaccine or not) travel clinic doctor would give you booster vaccine.

So, if you have trip on your cards then always make a note to get travel immunization from NYC travel clinic, so that you can enjoy to your fullest without worrying about your health.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Some important information to gather before traveling!

Recent reports have proved that millions of people travel abroad; either to enjoy with their loved ones or they have a business trip or any other reason for the same. With the increase number of travelers, there has been increased risk of health issues.

So, if you are planning a trip to abroad or heading for a trip, there is some essential information about which you should be aware of. Let’s have a look:

Diseases prevalent in the country travelling: The foremost thing, about which you should be aware of, is the diseases prevalent in the countries you are travelling. For instance, if you are visiting to sub - Saharan Africa and tropical South America, you must be aware that yellow fever is commonly found and widespread disease there. Subsequently, this would help you, when you would be having consultation with the doctor (as if he forgets to tell you something then you would already be knowing about that)

Travel vaccinations for different age group: Be it NYC, Miami, or any other city worldwide; there are times, when diseases affect only particular age group people. In regard to this vaccines would be given to those travelers only who have risk of getting in contact with the deadly diseases.

Past vaccines: Before starting with the vaccination procedure, it's important for a traveler to tell about his or her past vaccines to the doctor. This would give an idea whether the traveler requires boost vaccination or not.

Revaccination: Many people visit abroad regularly and they need to get re-vaccination in order to safeguard oneself from the diseases.

Medical travel kit: Besides providing vaccines, another important thing that a traveler needs to be equipped with is the travel medicines from NYC. This would help in keeping the traveler safe from various other minor illnesses.

After having a glance on all the above aspects, you must have got an idea about what all things are needed to be kept in mind before traveling. So, you should visit a travel clinic, at least one month before your traveling date. The reason behind it is that vaccines do take time to show their effect in the human body.
Moreover, travel clinic doctor would provide certificate of one being vaccinated. This is mandatory to carry during the trip because many countries like America, Africa do not allow the traveler to enter, till the time he or she has shown that they have received vaccination.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Visit a travel clinic to stay happy while traveling abroad

Everybody loves the idea of travelling across the globe. It gives an opportunity to broaden your horizons and to know varied cultures and customs all across the world. That is why; we try to put every effort to make our journey a success and a memorable affair.

However, all the planning and enjoyment can be put on a halt if your body is not prepared and immunized enough to fight against the potential medical issues, traveler s often face on a foreign land. Not many people are aware of the fact that a person non-native to a country is prone to some diseases which may be more common in that particular country. For instance, in African countries, an outsider would carry more chances of catching yellow fever.

In order to safeguard against these health hazards and to enjoy a safe and happy journey, we have clinics in our cities. These clinics are meant to provide you required travel vaccination and immunization against the particular disease prevalent in the country you are about to travel. In a city like NYC, finding out a good travel clinic is not difficult at all.

The specialists at the clinics have complete knowledge of what medication would be necessary for you, depending on the respective country. Therefore, one of the major things you should always ensure before packing your bag and beginning the journey is to make sure that your are physically prepared to fight the disease on the foreign land you will be visiting soon. Visiting a travel clinic should be the top most priority on the list of plans on your travel itinerary.

It is natural for a person to get mixed in the rituals of place alien to him, as an idea of fun. But what we often forget is that some types of foods and activities can make us fall sick. Upon visiting one such clinic, the doctor would provide full fledged knowledge about how to stay happy by avoiding all those things that may be hazardous for your health.

Some people have high altitude sickness due to variations in the air pressure of the surrounding areas. Other people face issues while travelling in a jet. All such medical issues are taken care of at travel clinics, by administering the required treatments and medications. A travel clinic, apart from just providing medicine and vaccinations, would also make you aware of what activities, things and food to avoid while you are out of the country. A place like NYC is a home of some of the best travel clinics one can visit.