Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Travel Vaccinations is the Mantra to Safe Travelling!

The travelers travel around the world without any fear. Be it any threat, they are not a worried lot. The kind of an aura the travelers have is remarkable. There is a concern regarding the same. There are some regions, which are under the influence of diseases.

Take for example, Asia-Pacific Region, this region is one of those, where life expectancy rate is low. The medical facilities are not up to the mark and in case of medical emergency; the facilities face hard time to deal with them.

The authorities are not alone to be made culprit. There are numerous reasons for the same. However, an individual traveling to that part of the Globe need to make sure that they have a protecting layer. This protecting layer will protect from deadly diseases like yellow fever, hepatitis A, malaria, influenza, typhoid, tetanus, polio, and other related diseases.

The travel clinics offer to protect you from the above diseases. There is availability of various immunizations and vaccinations, which can help an individual in a big way. The immunizations might take two or three sittings. After completion of these immunizations, a traveler can feel free and roam to this part of the World.

The following are the characteristics of the travel clinic based in NYC

1. Immunizations and vaccinations- There is a thin line difference between the two. The main purpose is to protect body from the infections. An individual undergoing any of these is able to travel freely without any hassles. The threat of being affected from any of the diseases becomes negligible. There is availability of catalogue, which gives information about each place and the threats involved there. This catalogue helps in deciding, which immunization to go for.

2. Prescription – The medical practitioners also issue medications to the individuals. The prescriptions can be taken as a precautionary measure. It is a mandatory exercise to take these prescriptions along during a trip. The prescriptions can be taken in large quantity, according to the tenure of your trip.

3. Certification – There are countries in the World, which do not allow free passage of the individuals without certification. The certification is a kind of a surety that an individual has undergone immunization. The travel clinics in NY are registered and authentic. The certification issued by travel clinics has immense value. The documents issued by the clinics have international recognition and the individuals can draw services from them. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Importance of being vaccinated before travelling

Planning a trip to any location requires completing of legal documents and other formalities. In addition to this, another critical factor needs attention.
Wondering, what is it? Well, that is the factor of immunization. The fact that there are various infections and diseases spread in different parts of the world (yellow fever in South Africa, Typhoid in South Asia and many more), the need to take preventive measures against infections is very important.

Before you visit a new place, visiting a travel clinic in NYC or elsewhere is very important. There you will get all the desired information about the diseases prevalent in the location where you are visiting, immunizations required to prevent from those diseases and few other dos and don’ts that you may need while being on the trip.

Let us have a look at some of the key factors that will make you realize the importance of vaccination before travelling-

Be safe-
Going on an abroad trip with your family brings joy. However, what if you face a viral attack? Your fun will be spoiled. Therefore, why to face such thing, when there are measures to safeguard one from those diseases.

To prevent oneself from deadly diseases spread in other countries while being on a trip, it is important to be vaccinated. Therefore, the foremost benefit justifies the importance of vaccination before visiting to any location. However, a traveler needs to get in touch with the doctor well in advance the trip because immunizations take time to get developed within the body.

Gain professional advice-
Prevention is always better than cure, therefore, staying alert from the disease is much better than to get stuck in an emergency scenario. Besides vaccination, doctors will provide advice that will reduce the risk of health issues like dizziness, nausea, and body ache to name a few.

Peace of mind-
Purpose behind a holiday is to get relaxed from a hectic work schedule. Nevertheless, if needed to face health issues during the trip then what is the use of going on a holiday. This is where travel vaccinations come into play. They help travelers to get rid of all the worries related to diseases in a region where they are visiting.

The above-mentioned points make it clear that why it is important to get vaccinated, if planning a holiday

Thursday, November 20, 2014

How can you travel carefree around the Globe?

We do go for holidaying for once or twice or even more in a year. The vacations is not limited to the States only, we like to go to other parts of the Globe as well. However, there is an ultimatum from the Health Authorities, which is making the rounds. There is a restriction and citizens are not allowed to move to the Ebola affected parts of West Africa.

There is a possibility that the citizens would not be allowed to move to that part of the Planet for a year or so. There is a sudden urge to find a vaccine for Ebola as soon as possible. Until the time, things get in place; there will be no movement of the citizens of the United States to whatsoever reason.

Taking the above discussion forward, a travel clinic can be a boon in these types of situations. The medical practitioners at travel clinic assist the travelers.

Discussion –
The first and foremost step at travel clinics is discussion. The medical practitioners at travel clinic discuss itinerary with the individuals. This helps in a big way, individuals can feel free, and they can bank upon services of travel clinics. The travel clinics discuss each aspect related to their trip. They even discuss what to eat during their trip and much more. There are various aspects related to trip are discussed by travel clinic practitioners.

A prescription is provided to the patients. There are certain parts of the World, which are affected and as a precautionary measure, the medical practitioners at travel clinics prescribe medication to the patients. The medication depends on the stay of an individual and the kind of place. The medication varies from an individual to individual. 

A vaccination, if required can be done exclusively for patients at travel clinics. There is availability of several types of vaccines, which a patient can undergo. These vaccinations provide a protective layer. This protective layer does not allow germs and other particles to harm you at all.   

The travel clinics provide all types of certification. There are certain countries, which allow foreigners to enter the country, when tourists have undergone certain type of vaccines. The travel clinics after completion of a vaccine provide certification. This certification helps in providing information that the individual has undergone certain type of vaccine. 


Monday, November 10, 2014

What steps need to be taken before travelling?

Before making an effort to go to any other country, make sure that you visit a travel clinic. The travel clinics across New York City provide best of their facilities and impart several tips, which can help while travelling. People who wish to travel to another part of the World should make an appointment and visit travel clinics at least once before making a tour.

The travel clinics help in a big way; following are the ways, through which they are able to help people, who wish to fly to another part of the Planet-

The discussion on a trip can be done with a travel clinic. The clinics would share strict DOs and don’ts with the visitors and make them aware of the place, which they wish to visit.

There is an availability of database, which allows the visitors to know about the current situation of a place. The clinics do have satellite communication, which allows them to collect the details of various places around the Planet. The travel clinics adhere to the satellite privacy issues. The crisp and short information is made available to the public by clinics.

Vaccinations- There is an availability of various vaccinations. The Specialists at Travel Clinic recommend patients to go for a surgery, which would be effective and help them abroad. A vaccination acts as a wall between the germs and an individual. There is no or minimal risk, when immunization/vaccination is done on individuals. 

Issuance of prescriptions- Looking at an individual’s immunization level and kind of place, they are going to visit, the travel clinics as per the need issue prescription. A prescription might be as long as an individual plans to stay over there in abroad. In case, there is need of prescription, the clinics send medicines to the addressee without any additional cost.

A certification is also provided, in which it is described that the patients has undergone all the necessary travel immunization in NYC and is allowed to travel to part of the globe, which an individual desires to. This certification gives a strong backing in visa applications as well. The recent cases of Ebola, in which medical personnel, who wish to go to that part of Africa had undergone all the immunizations and were given visas without any obstruction. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Take the steps towards health protection before traveling

Before traveling to any other country, international travelers need to do lots of preparations. Getting vaccinated for different diseases is a necessary part of these preparations. You may not realize it but you are always at the risk of catching viruses or infections in other nations. To avoid the risk of getting sick on a trip, you need proper vaccinations. You can get at any travel clinic.

However, process of vaccination should be completed in several steps. You can follow these steps:

Research –
Before traveling, you need to research about the countries you are going to. You can take the help of internet for it. With this research, you can gather information about different diseases. You can know about the potential risks and common infections in different nations etc. In many countries, vaccination certification for some certain viruses like yellow fever is necessary. You can also get the list of these nations by research. This information will also clear your doubts about going to some certain places due to the risks of infections.

Discussion with doctor – After completing research, you can visit your doctor or clinic. You can discuss your trip with them and tell them about your concerns. You can tell doctors about the countries you are going to visit and the common disease there. With this information, physicians can provide you right guidance about vaccination. They can also check your medical history for any previous records of vaccine shots.

Vaccination – After your discussion with doctors, they can give you proper vaccine shots. They will give you vaccine shots for every common infection in those countries, you are going to visit. If you already had vaccine shots for a particular disease and still in its immune period, then you won’t need more vaccination.

In different continents, there are risks of different diseases like:

Africa – Yellow fever, Hepatitis B, Typhoid, Polio, Meningitis (in some countries)

South and Central America – Yellow fever, Hepatitis A, Typhoid

- Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Polio, Japanese Encephalitis

Middle and Far East - Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Polio, Meningitis (Saudi Arabia)

Europe -
Hepatitis A and B, Polio

Australia -
Japanese Encephalitis in tropical north east areas

Disease like Tetanus and Rabies are common worldwide, which makes it ever more necessary to take vaccine shots.

After getting proper vaccine shots, you will be safe from any infection or disease in other countries. You can enjoy you time in other nation by having fun instead of lying in bed with sickness.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Vising African countries? Get vaccination for Yellow Fever first

African is one of the hottest holiday nations in world. However, in African countries, several types of diseases like Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid are very common. Common diseases make it important for travelers to get proper vaccination before visiting African countries. However, most important vaccination for Africa is of Yellow Fever.

It is a very common disease in the tropical areas of West and Central African countries. In many countries, certificate of yellow fever vaccination is a necessary document. This certificate is valid for 10 years and this period starts from 10 days after shot. Travelers cannot enter borders of these nations without proving that they had proper vaccine shots. This disease is also common in some of the Central and South American nations.

Yellow fever is a viral disease, which is spread due to the bite of female mosquitos. Mosquito’s bite releases RNA virus in body, which starts illness. It is dangerous for humans and primates. It can be fatal, however there is no permanent damage caused to body.

Symptoms – Yellow fever has symptoms like fever, headaches, chills, vomiting, loss of appetite, nausea, pains in back, stomach and other muscles. It can also damage liver by jaundice, which causes yellow skin tone. Symptoms start showing in early days of infection like three to six days. Due to its flu like symptoms, sometime people misunderstand it for other infections or sicknesses.

Diagnosis – Diagnosis of yellow fever can be done by the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). It can be done in after six to 10 days of sickness.

Prevention – this disease can be prevented by getting proper vaccination before visiting risky areas. If you are visiting African countries, then you must get vaccine shots at least 10 days prior to traveling. In most people, vaccines start protection after ten days of shots. So, it is always good to be on safe side. Good thing about this vaccination is that it can last for 10 years. Just after one shot, you can forget your worries about yellow fever for years. In many people, this vaccine protection can last for even 30 years.

It is always good to discuss with your doctor even if you already got your vaccination years before. During your trip, you must protect yourself from insect or mosquito bites. Avoid going in the risky areas.

If you are visiting any African nation, it becomes necessary to discuss with your doctor and get proper vaccine shots. You can also visit a travel clinic, where vaccines shots for this disease are available. Doctors there can also give your health safety instructions for trip.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Make a preventive measure in advance from diseases prevailing in the World

While travelling to some parts of the World, there is insecurity about the health concerns. The atmosphere is not that appropriate as it is in the United States, the change of environment might not be comfortable for many individuals. Therefore, many travel clinics have come up for the help of individuals, who face adversities while moving to some other part of the world.

Even the health authorities are also concern about the same and they do send alerts to the general public regarding being cautious for going to a certain place.  Example, the recent outbreak of Ebola in Republic of Congo, has led authorities to issue a guideline to citizens not to travel East Africa in any case. Apart from this, the guidelines are also issued, in which it is mandatory for the travelers to have yellow fever vaccine, while making a plan to fly to Africa.

The assistance which is provided by the travel clinics are as follows-

  • Consultation – A consultation session takes place, which makes helps in extracting detail about when a traveler is going to move, to which place and how much long is the stay. This information helps in customizing the vaccine, which is needed for a particular traveler. Moreover, immunization is region specific as well and therefore, vaccine is provided in that regard only.
  • Adhering to latest information – The travel clinics respect the guidelines issued by the health authorities of the United States. The travel clinics keep on revising their information so that the maximum benefit is reached to their consumers. The more the information, the more helpful it is.
  • Prescriptions – The availability of prescription to the consumers is a priority for travel clinics. There are cases of cholera reported from various parts of the world due to non-availability of trusted water source. That is why, if a traveler from the United States is travelling to that part of the World, where there is no availability of trusted water, prescriptions are provided in advance to the travelers by the travel clinics. In NYC, the travel immunizations services are available exclusively for travelers by travel clinics.
  • Certification –The certification is also provided, which ensures that the vaccination practiced on an individual is of international standards. The travel clinics have all the authorities and certifications, which enables them to carry their practice with full fervor.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Don’t risk your life when planning to visit overseas? Get immunized!

You may be at a risk from numerous diseases when travelling abroad. In order to prevent yourself from those life threatening diseases, you need to take necessary measures.

Consulting a health care provider or visiting a travel clinic in NYC is the most optimal solution to stay protected. Visiting travel center, six weeks prior to the trip is recommended by experts. This certainly helps in numerous ways like:

  • Immunizing body with possible vaccines
  • Reviewing traveler medical history
  • Up-to-date traveler with necessary vaccines
  • Discuss health concern things

In addition to all this, few other aspects are also discussed based on the age factor, travel activities and location of travelling etc.

Vaccines that are provided to traveler prior to their trip, before heading to a location are:

Chicken pox (varicella): It is a worldwide disease, especially populated in metropolitan communities. Children, adolescents and adults all are likely to get infected by this disease, once in their lifetime. Thus require taking chicken pox vaccine.
Cholera: Regions with inadequate sanitation, poor hygiene, overcrowding and a lack of safe food and water, those are likely to have risk of Cholera disease and need to take vaccine to prevent it. Africa, Asia, Central and South America are the regions where this disease is prevalent.

Flu (influenza): Tropical countries usually have flu infection, which outbreaks at any time of the year. Vaccination is effective way to protect from flu.

German measles (rubella): Usually, vaccines for measles are given to children after one year. But people travelling to abroad counties need to get booster vaccines for the same.

Japanese Encephalitis: Rural and agriculture areas, or participating in outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, cycling or fieldwork puts one into risk of Japanese encephalitis. This disease is fatal thus require taking preventive measures in order to safeguard oneself from such a life threatening disease.

Yellow fever: During the trip, destination, season, length of trip, and the type of activities one will get indulged into countries like Africa and South America will face this disease. Vaccine is mandatory for people visiting these locations.

The above mentioned vaccines are provided on the basis of certain aspects like:
  • Location
  • Travelling activities
  • Age
  • Health condition
Besides safeguarding health, getting vaccines is mandatory in order to get visa. Certain proofs like travel certificate will be provided to traveler proving that one has taken all the necessary vaccines before travelling to the particular location.

Traveler traveling without such proofs will may be refused entry or vaccinated.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Planning journey overseas? Do you have certificate proving Giardia inoculation?

Going overseas for any reason, like business purpose, family trip or a wedding, you need to get yourself vaccinated because of viruses out there in those countries can affect your health.

The most common illness that a traveler might face on their trip is Giardia. It’s a disease that is commonly found in both animals (including cats and dogs) and humans.

Negligence towards this disease can cause Giardiasis, which is also referred as Beaver Fever and found in countries like Mexico, Central America, South America, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and elsewhere on the globe including all of Europe and North America.

The disease is communicable and difficult to identify.
Few common symptoms can help one to judge whether they are suffering from this disease or not. To name a few of those symptoms are: stomach and abdominal cramps, nausea, dehydration, diarrhea, excessive gas and greasy-type stool.

Typically, one gets to experience these symptoms within one to three weeks. The infection spreads into the intestines and become communicable i.e. get passed from one person to another. Usually infection is spread inside the body, but there are few cases in, which this disease occurs outside the body and become difficult to get rid of.

Receiving treatment from a certified travel clinic is must in this case, before one heads on for their journey. In NYC, all necessary travel immunizations would be given to traveler. Depending on the location of travelling, relevant vaccination would be provided that is required for entry. Alongside this, a certificate proving inoculations would be provided to traveler.
Travel clinics are not just to provide vaccines, but there for the help of travelers who have been exposed to the Giardia disease. A stool sample would be collected for analysis and based on the results; prescription would be provided that would help treat Giardia effectively.

Besides getting immunized, one gets to learn few ways in travel clinic that helps travelers to gain knowledge about how to get rid of giardia. These include:
  • Doctors recommend not consuming under cooked food that contains organism.
  • Don’t touch any public bathroom door handles
  • Keep your surrounding neat and clean
  • Stay cautious while visiting a farm or place where animals reside
  • Don’t drink water is infected
  • Don’t consume infected lake water or pool water

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Travel freely in a foreign land after immunizations

While making an effort to travel to a new country might be a herculean task. There is a risk of getting introduced to diseases is always there, while traveling to some parts of the World. Moreover, if God forbids, if there is any kind of disease, which affects an individual, it might be the case that the medical facilities available in those place might not be up to mark and it might be a threat to your life as well.
In recent news, the Eloba Virus, which is active in West Africa, is a life threatening virus which is making its presence felt in other parts of the World as well. Therefore, the authorities in US have issued a guideline to all the travelers, not to go to Africa for few months or till the time things are in place.
Moreover, various non-profit foundations, which are willing to go to West Africa to help the people affected, are requested to undergo a vaccine. However, there is no fix vaccine, which is available to us, however, as a precautionary measure, there is a guideline issued not to travel a country, which is affected by this deadly virus.
However, even if you are making an effort to go out of the United States, following facilities are available in a travelclinic in NYC which can help an individual to travel in another country with a free mind–
  • Checkup –An individual has to undergo a check-up at the first visit in a clinic. This helps in procuring data about the current health of an individual; moreover, it also helps in deciding which type of immunization need to be given to an individual. It also depends in which country an individual is going to visit.
  • Issuance of Guidelines – There is an issuance of guidelines about the same from Doctors about the eating and drinking guidelines in a foreign land. The vaccination need to taken and preventing ourselves from bugs and mosquitoes.
  • Intake of Water –It is necessary to care for the fluids that an individual is going to have in a foreign country. The liquid standards in a country might be different from the United States. Therefore, to ensure intake of water doesn’t affect your trip, it should be infected free from all the germs.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Going abroad? Is Rabies prevalent there?

Rabies disease may not sound daunting, but its effect can be fatal, if left untreated. Caused by the Rhabdovirus family and spread when any infected pet or wild animal scratches another animal or a human.

Individual suffering rabies might face respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous system problem. If this disease is not treatable on time, it leads to respiratory failure.

Rabies is prevalent in countries like India, China, Bangladesh, Peru, Brazil, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Haiti, El Salvador, Vietnam, Mexico, Colombia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Yemen, Ecuador, and Indonesia. Thus, visiting to any areas of these countries might cause risk to your health.

Hence, safeguarding health beforehand is suggested by health specialists, which can be attained if one gets themselves vaccinated, before visiting to any of the epidemic areas.

Procuring rabies vaccine from a travel clinic is the prime option. Though nationwide there are many travel clinics in New York and elsewhere, but to choose one, which is best in providing correct vaccines is most important factor to consider.

Therefore, make sure to visit a health travel medicine clinic which is reputed and do discuss everything like place you visiting, activity in which you would be involved there and need for required vaccines in order to return back home healthy.

Health specialists not just provide vaccines but also explain few emergency first aid measures if an animal a bites, scratches or licks. Following are few of those measures:

Wash the bite immediately under running tap water for at least 15 minutes.

Do not scrub the wound.

Clean the wound with lot of soap or detergent. This helps removed infected animal spit (saliva).

Apply disinfectant like neat alcohol or iodine solution.

Do not apply any bandage on the wound, as it would not stop rather spread further into the body.

Immediately wash your face, if animal spits on your face.

Before disease spread in your body, visit a doctor and get full 3 dose of vaccine.

Do not scratch the wound, as it might increase the risk of rabies virus into body’s nerves.

Many times people are afraid of vaccines side effects. However, there is nothing to worry about. Rabies vaccines provided by health specialists causes no risk to health. Few side effects that might occur after getting vaccination include sore arm, head and muscle aches, and mild fever.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What Vaccinations You Need Before Traveling To Asia?

With the increasing number of traveling options world is becoming a small place. Anyone can travel to any place in the world in just few hours. This facility has increased the number of tourists who like to explore world. On the other hand, this facility has also exposed millions of people to the dangers of various diseases.

When people travel to other countries, they are always at the risk of catching a virus to which they are not immune. One may get infected by food, water or any other way. To avoid these dangers, it is necessary to get vaccination before traveling to other countries for holiday. To stay healthy and enjoy holiday, a trip to doctor is necessary.

There are multiple holiday destinations in world and Asia is one of them. Before making a trip to any Asian country, you must get the proper vaccination to avoid any risk of diseases. If you are planning a trip to Asia, get vaccine shots for these diseases:

Hepatitis A and B –Hepatitis A is the infection that affects liver. Its symptoms are loss of appetite, sudden fever, nausea, yellow skin, diarrhea etc. Usually it is caused by contaminated food or water. Symptoms of Hepatitis B are fever, aches, jaundice, vomiting etc. These infections are common in Asia. To prevent these diseases, it is necessary to discuss your trip with your physician and get proper vaccination. If you have already received necessary shot then make sure it is up to date.

Typhoid – This disease is caused by contaminated water or food. Symptoms of this infection are high fever, headache, cough, delirium, diarrhea etc. This disease is common in Southeastern Asia. People who are traveling to the countries of this region must get proper shots for protection.

Japanese encephalitis – This dangerous infection is caused by Japanese encephalitis virus. Its symptoms are high body temperature, fever, malaise, neck stiffness, headache etc. It can be fatal and to prevent it, vaccine shots must be taken by travelers.

Other than these diseases, travelers must get vaccination for Rabies, Malaria, Yellow Fever, and Tetanus before traveling to Asia. You must look out for these risks during your trip. Eat and drinking at clean places, avoiding risky areas can help. Before traveling, find a clinic that provides services of Travel Shots in NYC or in the city, you live. With all these precautions, you can reduce the risk of catching a deadly infection.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Vaccines Mandatory To Take Before Travelling Abroad

Vaccines before travelling is must in order to safeguard our health from life threatening diseases that are prevalent in abroad countries.

If planning to travel America, South Africa, and South Asia or for that matter any other abroad country, have you got travel vaccinations?

If no, then right away fix your appointment with a doctor who deals in providing travel immunizations in NYC or elsewhere. Visiting a specialized travel doctor is must because they are well versed with the travel vaccines, diseases prevalent in abroad locations and vaccines required by traveler before visiting a location.

After providing vaccinations, doctor provides a travel certificate, which is mandatory for travelers to carry along with them. If not, they will not be allowed to enter the country to, which they had applied visa.

Following are few vaccinations, which are must for traveler to take when visiting respective abroad locations:

Flu: This disease is prevalent in North America. People visiting this location might have to face fever, headache, and cough, if not immune. Issues can be serious as well i.e. life threatening risk like death.

Hepatitis A: If visiting areas of Indian subcontinent, South America, the Far East and Eastern Europe, traveler is likely to be exposed to Hepatitis A because of the contaminated water and food there. Therefore, in order to stay protected, it is important to get Hepatitis A vaccine.

Yellow fever: It is most petrifying and life threatening disease prevalent in West and Central Africa and in parts of Central and South America. People residing in these countries or visiting these locations never miss out to take yellow fever vaccine. For those who visit these counties quite frequently, do not require getting vaccine as its effects is for almost 10 years.

Japanese Encephalitis: Likewise, yellow fever, this disease is also life threatening. Travelers visiting locations like Southeast Asia and South Asia need to get immune with Japanese Encephalitis.

If you are visiting any of the aforementioned locations, then do make sure you are immune from the diseases prevalent there. Talk to your doctor and confirm that before you head for the trip, you are vaccinated with all the needed vaccines.

Some regular visitors might avoid booster vaccines, but to be on a safe side one must take it, in order to stay risk free.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Have You Vaccinated Before Traveling?

Planning a trip abroad, whether it is for business or vacation, is not easy. You make many arrangements before traveling. You take care of many things like flights, hotel reservation and many other things. However, there is one important factor that people always decide to ignore, which is vaccination. Getting vaccine shots before traveling abroad is necessary. You never know, how much risk you are in while visiting other countries. You might catch a harmless bug or deadly virus. You must be prepared for any situation, which might occur.

That is why people need vaccination before traveling. For this purpose, you need a clinic that provides travel immunization in NYC or in the city, you live. After getting proper shots, you can make a trip to any country. Here is the list of some places, for which you need vaccine shots before going there.

Africa – Before making a trip to Africa, you must research about the risk of different diseases and necessary immunization. There are risks of various diseases like yellow fever, hepatitis b, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid, polio, meningitis, measles, tetanus etc. In some nations, entry is banned without the certificate that shows that you are took proper immunization treatment. Discuss this matter with your physician and get proper vaccination.

South America – Before traveling to South America, you must get shots for yellow fever, cholera and hepatitis a. Typhoid is more common in Central and South America. Malaria and dengue are also big diseases.

Europe – Diseases like Hepatitis A and B are considered a danger for travelers in Southern Europe. However, countries of Europe are counted in developed and industrialized places. The risks of other viruses are decreased here and better healthcare services are also available.

Middle and Far East – In the countries of Middle and Far East, tourists are at risk of cholera, hepatitis a and b, typhoid, meningitis. Before traveling any of these nations, you must discuss the process of vaccination with your physician.

Asia – In the countries of Asia, you must get vaccinated for yellow fever, polio, Japanese encephalitis, malaria, dengue etc. Typhoid is also common in the nations of South East Asia.

Australia – There is no official or special vaccination is necessary for traveling to Australia. However, travelers must get shots for influenza, Japanese encephalitis, tetanus, measles etc.

Some other diseases like Rabies exist in almost all countries. You must gather all the information about different diseases and discuss it with your doctor. A healthcare professional can guide you properly about necessary precautions, preparations, medication etc. Be prepared before making a trip and enjoy a healthy vacation.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Planning To Travel Outside United States

If yes, have you got yourself vaccinated? Coming back home with a deadly disease, which would put adverse effects on the health of your family members and you, or for that matter on the community has increased the importance for vaccinations.

Visa authorities’ not just recommends, but has made it a stringent rule for travelers to get vaccinations. This is why during checking at the airport, one is not permitted to go till the time he or she shows the vaccination certificated provided by the travel clinic doctor.

So, if you are travelling to any of the below mentioned countries, get aware of the diseases and vaccines required to visit the respective countries:


Yellow fever is common in Africa, which is a life threatening disease. Travelers visiting any location in Africa must get vaccinated as per the guidelines provided by the visa authority government.


Travelling to counties like United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Norway are dream for many, but visiting to such countries also is a health risk as Hepatitis A and B, as well as rabies are common in the European countries.


Hepatitis A and Typhoid are common afflictions in India, which are caused because of contaminated food or water.


Food and water contamination causes Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B or Typhoid, Malaria, which though might not sound deadly but its effects are not less. If not taken preventive measures, it can cause serious health issues.


Majority of rural areas in Bahamas are wide spread with Hepatitis A and Typhoid diseases. Contaminated food and water is the main cause of the diseases here.


Visiting China means one is under the risk of Hepatitis A and Typhoid. Additionally, Hepatitis B, Encephalitis and Malaria are also common here if one is visiting Xinjiang province.

South America

Hepatitis A and Typhoid are common diseases here in this country. In addition, one can also be exposed to Hepatitis B, Malaria and rabies. Therefore, before visiting to any of the countries in South America like Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Panama, make sure to get immune from such deadly diseases.

No matter whichever country you are travelling to, speak with your physician approximately four to six weeks prior to your trip. This time is generally same for all travelers because vaccines take time to show its effect in the body and make body immune from unwanted diseases.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Diseases, You Must Get Vaccinated For Before Traveling

Many of us travel to other countries for various reasons such as holiday, business trip etc. When we plan a trip, we think of everything, where we will stay, places to visit etc. However, most of us do not realize about the dangers of different diseases, we might catch in other countries.

In our home country, we get shots of different vaccines that make us immune to diseases of our area. But, when we go out of our nation, we are not immune to new viruses or infections. For preventing illness, we need protection from these dangers. Getting vaccines shots before traveling can protect us from various viruses. If we get vaccination before traveling, then we become immune to those diseases. Before entering any other country, we must research about these different risks.

This research can guide us about the risks of illness and infections etc., so that we can get prepared for them. For necessary shots, we can find clinics that provide travel vaccinations in cities like New York City. At these clinics, anyone can get vaccinated before visiting another nation.

Dangers of some diseases are same in most countries, which are:

Yellow fever – It is very common in countries of South America and Africa. People who are planning a trip to tropical or sub-tropical areas of these places must get vaccination before going there. For this fatal fever, some nation has a policy of compulsory vaccine shots. Without the certificate, you cannot enter their boundary. Once you get vaccine for this, it will last for ten years.

Typhoid – This disease is caused by infected eatables and drinks. It is common in the areas of Africa and South Asia. It can be prevented by getting vaccine before traveling. Still, one needs to watch for risky food or beverages. Travelers need these shots in every few years if they are constantly visiting these areas.

Japanese Encephalitis – It is common in areas of East and South Asia. It can be prevented by vaccine injections. This fatal infection is caused by the bite of mosquitos. People who keep visiting risky areas must get their shots renewed in every few years.

These vaccine shots are different for people of different age and sex. Before traveling to other nations, we must consult with our physician and discuss about various risks. Physician can guide us about it and recommend vaccination for us and our families. After getting vaccinated, we can freely enjoy our trip without worrying about risks of sickness.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Get Vaccination For Rabies Before Traveling To Other Countries

When people plan a trip to other countries, most of them are not aware of the risks of different diseases. Out of our country, we are not immune to every virus or bacteria. We get shots for various diseases in our country in other places; we are not immune to their local viruses.

We can easily catch their viruses and get ill. Rabies is one of these diseases.

It is a disease, which is caused by another animal by scratching or biting. If an infected animal, scratches or bites human, the virus in the saliva of that animal enter human body. Its viruses are rabies virus or Australian bat lyssavirus. It can cause inflammation of the brain. Its symptoms usually starts showing in few weeks to a month. In some cases, it can takes to three months to show the signs. This time depends on the time a virus takes to reach the central nervous system.

Symptoms – Early signs of rabies are fever. Sometimes it is a tingling sensation at exposure. In coming months, symptoms increase to the fear of water, violent movements etc. In many cases, signs like confusion, paralysis, anxiety, or loss of consciousness are also noticed. Patients become unable to move parts of the body and start hallucinating. This disease is fatal. After 2 to 10 days of first symptoms, most of the patients die.

One of its main symptoms is fear of water. This sign comes in the later stages of rabies when patients start showing panic from water. They cannot quench their thirst and start panicking even in the sight of water.

Animal – Animals that can cause this viral disease are cats, dogs, coyotes, squirrels, cattle, bats, foxes, monkeys, raccoons, skunks, wolves, normally yellow mongoose. This virus is usually present in saliva of the infected animal. Human to human transmission is very rare.

Vaccination – Chemist Louis Pasteur and physician Émile Roux developed a medicine for rabies in 1885. The advanced version of this vaccine was developed in 1967.

People who are planning to travel to the risky areas must get the vaccination. In these areas, there is risk to get this disease while there is no proper medical care is available. You must find clinics, which are providing travel vaccinations in NYC (or in the city, you live).

People who will be traveling to other countries or working with animals must get this shot. This vaccine can save them from the risk.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Know The Risks Of Japanese Encephalitis

Japanese Encephalitis is a viral diseases transmitted by mosquitos, which carries a Japanese encephalitis virus. It affects humans as well as animals. It cannot be transmitted from human to human. It is transmitted by mosquito, which belongs to Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Culex vishnui species.

Symptoms – Most of the patients infected by this virus do not show any symptoms. From 250 infections, only one develops into encephalitis. Between 1 to 6 days, symptoms like headache, fever and uneasiness may appear in patients. After this stage, symptoms like lack of appetite, neck rigidity, weakness, cachexia, tremors, hemiparesis, convulsions starts appearing. Temperature of body is raised to 38–41 degree Celsius.

These signs can lead to coma. It can be fatal also.

This disease can cause lifelong damage if it hits central nervous system. It can cause emotional liability, deafness, and hemiparesis. Person who suffers from it get lifelong immunity. There are mainly three vaccines for Japanese Encephalitis - SA14-14-2, IC51 and ChimeriVax-JE. No particular treatment is available for this disease. It is common in the countries of Southeast Asia and East Asia. Rural areas are more at risk in this disease.

First vaccine for Japanese Encephalitis was produced in Japan in the 1930s. It was validated for use over the years like in Taiwan in 1960s and in Thailand in 1980s. With vaccination, it is controlled in many countries like Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan.

Prevention – To prevent this disease, you must avoid mosquito bites. Wearing full-sleeved clothes can also help, or wear clothe that cover your body. If you are staying in an area, which is at risk, use mosquito repellent. Stay in those areas where you are away from mosquitos. At night, use bed nets while sleeping.

For the travelers who are planning a trip to south and East Asian countries must get the vaccination prior to the trip. In this area, the risk of getting Japanese Encephalitis is very high.

Research about those countries where you will be traveling and collect the information about the risks of various diseases.

Contact your doctor or a travel clinic for further help

Discuss it with the physician and get to know about the vaccinations you will receive

Make it clear with the doctors about any allergies you have, so that you don’t get allergic reaction to vaccine shots

Take all the precautions you need to prevent it

You can find a travel clinic in NYC or in the city, you live to get proper guidance.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Yellow fever: Symptoms, Diagnosis and treatment

Yellow fever, also known as yellow plague or yellow jack, is a disease caused by the bite of female mosquito. It only affects humans and some other primates. It is caused by a RNA virus with same name by species of mosquito called Aedes aegypti. Some other species can also transmit it. It is called yellow fever because of the jaundice it causes to some patients.

Symptoms – Symptoms of this disease are fever, headache, back pain, abdominal pain, chills, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, and muscle pain. These signs usually improve between three to five days. In most of the cases, it only last for a few days but in some other cases, it can move to its next level. In the second level of this disease, it can cause liver damage and jaundice. With abdominal pain and fever, bleeding also begins from eyes. It also affects the functions of kidney. Sometimes, vomits also contain blood.

Once you survive it, it provides you yellow fever immunization for life.

Once the virus is transmitted in the human body, it enters the blood stream and infects dendritic cells.

Diagnose - Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate this disease from normal illness because of its flu like symptoms. In the early stages, it can be confused with other flu like diseases. It is diagnosed by blood sample, which is tested with reverse transcription Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Vaccination – The vaccine used for this disease is called 17D, which is in use since 1950s. It was developed by a South African-American doctor Max Theiler in 1937. It provides immunity for ten years or in some case more than that. He received Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1951 for his work.

It is believed that it originated in East or Central Africa. Experts believe that it was introduced to America with the slave from Africa in Colonial times. There is no particular treatment available for yellow fever. One can only take care of the symptoms in patients, such as fever, dehydration, or pain. It can be prevented by reducing the population of mosquitos by killing developing larvae. To kill larvae, techniques such as larva-eating fish and copepods and larvicides are used.

It is common in the tropical and subtropical areas of Africa and South America. Vaccination for yellow fever is recommended for the people who are planning a trip to the countries in these areas.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Would a trip to Africa be safe, without travel shots?

Yellow fever is a severe medical situation that is spread through mosquitoes. It is a major concern in Africa.

This is the reason why anyone planning trip to this country, without taking adequate measures or travel vaccinations for it, are on the risk.

No way, one would not call their vacations a success, if they return with a health issue like yellow fever. So, take precautions for it, before flying to Africa.

There are different symptoms of yellow fever, which prominently include high fever, vomiting, nausea, headache, pain in joints and muscles, constipation, and liver inflammation. It proves deadly, if not treated at right time with an effective treatment.

So, what to do?

It is possible to keep distance from such issues, when you are on a vacation in Africa through yellow fever travel immunizations. The main purpose of these shots is to protect people from yellow fever, which is common in Africa and South America.

The best part is that this vaccination has ability to keep you safe from yellow fever for more than 10 years. After that, a booster shot is recommended.

Where should you go?

There are specialized travel clinics that provide immunizations of several diseases prevalent in different corners of the world. Moreover, the travel doctors also provide valuable tips to travelers that could help them in preventing themselves from health issues, when they are out for a vacation on a foreign land.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Consider Precautionary Measure before Travelling

Travelling in today’s time has become a Hercules task. It is not confined to merely packing bags; the requirement of medical kit, first-aid box, mosquito repellents has become more of a necessity. Countries in West Africa, parts of South America, Indian subcontinent are the areas, which are affected by fatal diseases, and travelers are reluctant to travel in these parts of the world. Therefore, to ensure safe passage in these parts of the world, there is a remedy, which is available in the form of immunization. There are various clinics, which give travel medicine, which are located in NYC, NJ, mi, la helpful for travelers.

The need for immunizations has increased largely. Every traveler need to carry documents proving he/she has been immunized. There are certain cases where travelers complained of symptoms of fatal diseases in the above countries and they had to make an exit, as availability of medical facilities is scarce in these countries.

There are several tips mentioned below which can be beneficial when one is travelling from one country to another-

1. Sun Burns: There are places in Australia where ozone layer has depleted and it is mandatory to wear a SPF (Sun Protection Factor) to protect your skin, shades to protect your eyes, cap to protect your head as ultraviolet rays making a direct contact to our body can be as harmful as it can be.

2. Fluids: It is always helpful to consume as many fluids such as juices, coconut water, and mineral water as it helps in metabolism and care should be taken while sipping water as quality of water differs from one country to another.

3. Medical-kits: To be on safer side, it is advisable to carry a medical kit with necessary material as it might be the case that the counters in other countries might be giving a sub-standard prescription, which are not approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

4. Altitude: There are individuals, who suffer from dizziness, fatigue, tiredness when they reach at a height of 5000-6000 meters as low oxygen levels affects their brain. So, individuals should make an effort to avoid these kinds of expeditions where they suffer from such kind of phobias.

5. Jet Lag: Travelling from one part to another part in the world results in changing of the time. Moreover, this takes days or weeks to adjust this kind of timing. The remedy to this is light exercise and diet.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

What if you travel abroad, without travel vaccines?

You get sick if you travel abroad (in certain parts of the world), without any vaccines!

A few years back, traveling abroad was like a dream but now cheap flights and easy visa policies made that dream come true. Affordable and fast air travel has made it easy for people to travel abroad now, but there are some health precautions, everyone should consider before flying abroad.

You do not want to get sick while on a foreign land. There are many countries in the world, where some serious diseases are prevalent, and you need to be proactive about the precaution when traveling to such a country. Most travellers get sick with the diseases, against which they have no natural immunity, nor have they taken any prior medical precaution.

Therefore, before flying to a different country, you should research about the common diseases in that country and get vaccination for that disease in advance. Most common diseases that you can fall prey to transmit through mosquitos.

Malaria, Hepatitis A and B, Cholera, Yellow fever and Influenza are some of the common travel diseases, which require prior vaccination. The natives of the country develop immunity against the diseases while travellers require vaccination as their defence.

Travel vaccines are shots, which you can get before going to certain countries to protect yourself from the local diseases of the country you are travelling, by creating antibodies in your body. You should visit a travel clinic, discuss with the doctor and get vaccinated for all the diseases prevalent in the part of the world you are travelling. There are some important points in travel vaccination, you should consider; take a look:

 1. Some diseases only affect people of a particular age. So the traveller should get checked for these diseases and get the proper vaccination.

 2. Many countries made the rule of vaccination, mandatory before entering the country. Like some countries in South America and even Africa will not let you in until you prove them that you have the certified yellow fever vaccination.

 3. Yellow fever vaccination shots lasts for at least 10 years. Therefore, if you had the yellow fever vaccination shot in last 10 years, you do not need another one.

 4. Some travel vaccination take four to six weeks to complete while some vaccinations take only 7 days, so you should get vaccinated at least 1 or 2 months in advance of your trip.

 5. You should share all your travel plans with the doctor. If you are planning to visit more than one country, then you should get all the vaccination needed.

 6. Traveller should always be prepared and carry a medical kit with him or her with all the necessary medication.

 7. Some people have allergy to some vaccines, in that case they should discuss it with the doctor.

 8. Vaccination also depends on your age, health, country, and time of the year you are traveling. If you are traveling with family, make sure everyone gets proper vaccination.

Travel vaccines in New York City and other big cities are easy and affordable to get as well as in small towns. You just have to visit a travel clinic, tell them your traveling plans, and get the vaccination.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Are you travelling to meningitis belt prone areas?

Meningitis is a bacterial disease, which is caused because of contaminated food, water and respiratory secretions (e.g. coughing or sneezing). It is a communicable disease, which can be spread due to sharing drinking glasses or intimate contact.

Sudden fever, intense headache, nausea, vomiting, and stiff neck are few of the common symptoms that people might face, if suffering from meningitis.

However, anyone can get meningococcal disease, but certain groups of people are at increased risk. From the word certain group, we here refer to travelers.

Travelers who are moving to locations like parts of Africa, Saudi Arabia, and Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, they are at a higher risk of getting in contact with this disease.

However, it is not necessary that travelers who are visiting these areas they are definitely going to catch this disease, but travelers who would be staying for long, live with locals in rural areas, attend the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages in Saudi Arabia, visit the country during seasonal work or dry season, they are likely to get prone to meningitis.

Studies have shown that some age groups have higher rates of meningitis than others. These include children under age 5, teenagers and young adults age 16-25 and adults over age 55. However, it is more of a danger for people who are suffering with certain medical conditions such as damaged spleen, chronic disease, or immune system disorders.

Therefore, travelers who are travelling to such locations, they can prevent meningococcal disease by getting vaccination. Following is piece of information related to meningitis vaccine:

  • Meningitis A, C, W135 and Y types of vaccines are available.
  • Prior 2 to 3 weeks from travelling, vaccination is given to the person.
  • Adults and children get one dose, which last for 5 years.
  • For children under 5, protection last for 2 to 3 years.
  • Babies who are 2 months to 2 years old, they get 2 doses as protection in them does not last for a longer time as compared to adults.
  • Vaccine to babies under 2 months old is not suitable.
  • Travelers going to the Hajj needs to show proof of vaccination.
However, here the question arises from where one should get themselves vaccinated? Well, visiting a travel clinic is an optimal option here. They are expert in providing vaccinations to travelers in, which other centers are not equipped at (because they have complete information regarding the disease prone areas).

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A few effective ways for minimizing effects of jet lag

Traveling is one of the best activities for alleviating stress and tensions. Due to hectic life schedules, most of the people want to take off from their normal routines and prefer to vacate in a foreign country. Traveling gives them pleasure as they get an opportunity to visit places of their choice.

Most of the travelers are not familiar with risks of traveling to foreign countries. In case, if you are planning to visit Africa, then you need to be cautious as there are many health diseases, which are common in African countries. Nobody likes to fall sick, when vacating outside their native country.

In such circumstances, it would be a fair idea to visit a travel clinic to get detailed information about place you are planning to visit along with travel medicine by an expert in NYC. The experts in these clinics will not only provide you adequate ways for preventing health illnesses but also they will give you valuable tips for minimizing effects of jet lag.

When you travel abroad, you cross several times zones. The body clock gets disturbed on crossing time zones. In such condition, sleep, wakefulness and other activities get affected, causing irritability, fatigue, and loss of appetite.

The travel expert will let you know ways to prevent effects of jet lag, amongst those, the most important ones are as follows:

1. Consistent sleep pattern

Do not allow your sleep to get affected a few weeks before journey. Sleep well to reduce effects of jet lag. Apart from this, several days before your journey, adjust your internal clock according to place you are visiting. In simple words, follow time schedule of that place. Sleep according to clock of country you are planning to visit.

2. Prefer over night flights

Take your dinner at the normal time and prefer to sleep in the flight for hours you sleep daily. Doing so will make it easy for you to adjust according to present time zone.

3. Avoid drinking coffee

Do not drink coffee while traveling as it will reduce your sleep and make you awake for hours. Taking rest during traveling is the best way for reducing effects of altitude sickness and jet lag.

4. Drink lots of water

Stay hydrated, even if you are not thirsty. Dehydration is common while traveling in a plane. Therefore, it is a must to drink lots of water to prevent feeling tired and fatigue.

5. Eat anti jet lag diet

Consult a travel expert to get information about food items that will minimize effects of jet lag.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Organize a health kit, before travelling!

If planning to travel abroad, are you done with your packing? Have you packed your health kit alongside your other essentials? If no, then you must do so, if you don’t want to ruin your vacation in middle of the trip by getting ill.

Moreover, there is no point buying medications at costly rates in foreign country, when you can carry them along with you. In addition to this, you might also be at a risk of getting a counterfeit drug in foreign locations.

However, packing of health kit depends upon traveler destination and length of travel.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommends travelers to assemble a health kit containing necessary medications and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs for minor problems.

Following are some basic travel medicine that doctors of NYC recommend to travelers:
  • Anti-diarrhea medication:  This very common foodborne illness, which causes to traveler who travel to locations like Central and South America, Africa, and Asia. Pack Imodium (loperamide) or Pepto-Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate) are two medications that traveler must carry before travelling to any of these two locations.
  • Antihistamine: People who suffer from any allergy must carry an antihistamine. This is best and effective medicine that will help keep tourist safe from allergy.
  • Anti-motion sickness medication: People who have motion sickness problem because of heights they must pack Dramamine (dimenhydrinate). This is an effective medicine that helps keep people calm.
  • Pain or fever medicine: Medications for pain or fever, we generally all carry even in plain areas. Therefore, one must not miss out packing their health kit by painkiller such as acetaminophen, or ibuprofen.
  • Mild laxative or stool softener:  Change in food usually causes constipation. Therefore, in order to enjoy food at differnet location in aborad, one must carry laxative containing bisacodyl such as Dulcolax or a stool softener such as Colace (docusate).
  • Antifungal ointment or cream:  Skin problems can also occur, while travelling. Ringworm and athlete’s foot are common fungal problems, which are especially found in warm climates. Therefore, to safeguard from fungal problem one must take a tube of Tinactin (tolnaftate) or Lotrimin (clotrimazole).
  • Antibacterial ointments or creams: Neosporin Ointment (polymyxin B, bacitracin, and neomycin) are also helpful at times when traveler get some minor cut or scrape.
After reading the above mentioned medications, you must have got an idea about which all medicines to carry before travelling. So, do not let illness ruin your trip. Think ahead, pack smartly and enjoy you trip!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Tips on vaccination for diabetic people

Undoubtedly, travelling to abroad locations is a great fun, but yes, it can be life threatening, especially when you are suffering from an ailment like diabetes.
Definitely, travelling needs planning and people with diabetes problem requires to do a little more planning. Following are few things that diabetic person needs to keep into consideration, before heading for the vacation-
Blood sugar
The prime thing that is needed to be done by individual suffering from diabetes before heading for the trip is monitoring of his or her blood sugar. This will help judge the health of an individual and would allow him or her to enjoy to the fullest at the tip.
Insulin storage
Diabetes person needs to carry insulin when travelling. However, one needs to make sure that it is kept in a moderate temperature zone. Therefore, it’s important to consider the climate in which one is traveling. If place is very warm, you must keep in some frozen water bottles or cooler and if one is going in cold climate zone, then it is advisable to keep insulin close to the body so that it stays warm.
Besides carrying all the clothes and accessories, an individual suffering from diabetes ailment needs to carry an extra supply of insulin and medication. Therefore, it is advisable to pack extra syringes and all those materials that are required by a diabetic person.
Consult a doctor
Traveler who is suffering from diabetes needs to consult two doctors; one who is expert in treating diabetes problem and another who is expert in providing travel medicine and vaccine in NYC. Consulting both the doctors is very important in order to have a safe trip. However, before making an appointment with the doctor, make sure to consider few things like experience, past records, up-to-date knowledge about the travel locations and diseases prominent in those locations.
Vaccinations and medications
Alongside carrying diabetes medicine on the trip, traveler needs to also carry few additional medications as per prescribed by the travel clinic doctor. This is because of the prominent fact that abroad locations are prone to life threatening diseases; therefore, there are acute changes of traveler to be exposed to those diseases. However, only medications do not work to safeguard the health of an individual, traveler needs to get the vaccinations as per the location where one is heading.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Visit a travel clinic before you go to Africa and South America!

Yellow fever is a viral diseases caused due to bite of a mosquito. It is such a health issue that can use cause mild to severe symptoms. If not diagnosed properly, it may cause death of a person. In most of the cases, people suffering from this issue experience headache, fever, vomiting, nausea, and muscular pains.
Countries like Africa and South America are prone to this issue. Therefore, those who are planning to visit these countries should take precautionary measures in advance to prevent these types of health issues.
One should visit a travel doctor to know more about health conditions prevalent in different countries. These specialized doctors are available at travel clinics in New York, which are established specifically for helping people who are planning holidays outside their native countries.
Apart from this, there are many countries that do not give entry to people till they show a certificate, which shows that they are immunized with certain vaccinations. The developed countries make the best efforts to protect their people from different health issues.
Getting immunized with travel vaccinations will prevent travelers from different illnesses, when they are on a vacation in a foreign country. Not only, there is a risk of developing yellow fever, but there are many diseases like hepatitis A and B, polio, typhoid, tetanus, rabies and meningitis, common is different countries across the globe.
Only, the travel experts can make people familiar with type of vaccinations that they need on traveling to a particular country. They have entire information of weather conditions and issues that are common at different locations of the world. Such information will help you in carrying right type of clothing and other accessories that will help you in preventing different illnesses.
In addition to this, getting immunized is not at all a bad option as they will not only keep you safe from different issues on a foreign vacation but also minimize risk of suffering from health issues in future. Some of the shots are given in a specified dosage after specified intervals. Such shots increase ability of immune system in fighting with different health condition.
Apart from this, visiting a travel hospital is also necessary to get valuable information about several ways that help in minimizing effects of jet land and altitude sickness. Some people experience severe headache, lack of sleep, fatigue, and irritability after crossing different time zones. In such conditions, these doctors can help you in getting rid of travel sicknesses in a short period of time by providing you certain tips and medications.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How travel clinics benefit travelers?

Travel care centers are institutions, which provide medical care to people considering a foreign trip.  These are special clinics that are specifically meant for providing medication and vaccinations that a person should get to stay fit and healthy in a foreign country.

Countries around the globe have different climatic conditions, which may put an individual on the risk of developing certain health conditions. The purpose of these clinics is to protect people from different types of health issues that exist in a country.

For example, yellow fever, it is one of the common health issues that is quite common in several countries of Asia and South America.  It is a virus disease, which spreads very easily from one person to the other through a mosquito bite.  Infected individuals will suffer from fever and jaundice. However, in severe cases, it may cause kidney failure and death of a person.

That is why, it is of core importance to visit travel clinics in New York to get medication and vaccination that keep people away from diseases and health issues. The situation worsens when people visit a country, which do not has adequate medical facilities. In such situations, it becomes difficult for people to get an effective treatment within time. A delay in getting proper treatment may complicate the situation.

 These types of clinics not only offer protection from yellow fever but also for health conditions like polio, rabies, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, typhoid, meningitis and various other issues common at different locations of the world.

The vaccination you need to get immunized with depends upon various factors such as country you are planning to visit, season and climatic conditions of a country, current medical history of the people and duration of stay.

The experts in these clinics discuss important details associated with trip such as duration of trip, types of activities you planned to take up in a foreign country and the place of your stay. The experts will make use of latest travel disease database to make people aware with different health issues and also provide important tips and suggestions that help people in keeping them safe from health issues.

In addition to this, most of the people face certain problems when traveling to any other country. Altitude sickness is one of the common issues faced by majority of people. Some people also face change in appetite, feel irritated, fatigue and headache.

The experts will let people know how to minimize effects of jet lag. Therefore, no matter, where you are going, always visit a travel expert to have a happy and safe journey.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Don’t travel to Asia without getting immunized with Japanese Encephalitis vaccination!

Japanese Encephalitis is one of the serious viral diseases caused due to bite of a mosquito. It can cause swelling in the brain, which affects the entire nervous systems and cause severe damage to entire body.

Symptoms of this viral disease may appear after five to six days. The signs and symptoms vary from one person to the other. Some of the common symptoms are as follows:

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Felling of tiredness and body ache
  • Drowsiness
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Disorientation

Apart from this, people suffering from this issue also experience sleepiness, weight loss and irregular heartbeats.

When this virus enters in the bloodstream of an individual, it starts replicating itself in different types of cells. This virus attacks cells of nervous system, causing severe symptoms to appear.  This disease is so severe that it may cause death of a person, if not diagnosed and treated properly.

How doctors diagnose Japanese Encephalitis?

The physician will ask patients about symptoms and health problems they are experiencing. On considering complete medical history and symptoms that appear in patients, the doctor may ask patients to undergo different types of tests, out of which, the most common are as follows:

Blood tests- The blood tests are performed to check for the presence of virus cells in the body.

CT scan- The CT scan gives an idea about functioning of vital organs in the body.

MRI Scan- MRI scanners make use of magnetic fields and radio waves to form images of the parts of the human body.

Japanese Encephalitis is common in Asian countries. That is why, it is essential for you to get yourself immunized with travel immunizations before traveling to Asia. Taking such precautions is necessary to prevent falling sick on a trip or vacation.

Some of the Asian countries do not have adequate medical facilities to treat different types of diseases. Falling sick in such countries can cause a big trouble. Japanese Encephalitis demands early diagnoses and effective treatment by an expert physician.

Therefore, those who are planning vacation in Asian countries should visit a travel clinic to know more about diseases prevalent in these countries. Moreover, the experts in these clinics also get people immunized with vaccinations that will keep them healthy in a foreign country.

In addition to this, they will also give valuable tips for diet and clothes that people should wear in these countries.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Travelling to Egypt? Did you take the required vaccination?

Egypt is the most famous travel destination place because it has many ancient monuments, which attract people from different parts of the globe.

The ancient pyramids, spectacular sunset, the Nile drifting and the red sea have made it the most popular destination with travelers.

If you are thinking to go to Egypt, there are certain vaccinations that you need to get prior 4 to 6 weeks the trip, in order to allow vaccines to get affected in the body and starts preventing it from life threatening disease.

In case, even if you have less than 4 weeks, you should still see a doctor for needed travel vaccines in New York, anti-drugs, other medications and information that helps to protect you from the illnesses present in Egypt.

Following vaccines that are advised by doctor:

Hepatitis A-
Hepatitis A disease damages the liver and to protect against from this infection, it is important to get Hepatitis A vaccine. Children travelling to Egypt are supposed to be 1 year or older and gets two doses of Hepatitis A and adults that are 19 years older are also given two doses of this vaccine, if travelling to Egypt. Besides age factor, certain other factors are taken into consideration by doctor before delivering this vaccine to traveler. To name a few of those factors are allergic reaction, pregnancy and other health issues like diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure etc.

Tetanus, Diphtheria and Polio vaccination- These three vaccines are given in one shot to adults. However, children are given this part of immunization during their childhood. Tetanus is bacterial disease that occurs in the body through cuts and grazes, diphtheria is also a bacterial disease that is caused because of contaminated clothes, and physical contact, polio is caused because of contaminated water and food. 

Caused by bacteria called Salmonella Typhi. It leads to high fever, weakness, stomach pains, headache, loss of appetite, and rashes. Two vaccines that help prevent typhoid are inactivated typhoid vaccine and live typhoid vaccine.

Hepatitis B- Likewise, Hepatitis A is injurious to health and affects liver, Hepatitis B affects liver. Though, it is not always life threatening as acute illness like loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting, jaundice and pain in muscles, joints, and stomach occurs first and then causes things to become worst (liver damage, liver cancer, death), if not received the vaccine for the same.

Rabies- It is a viral disease caused by mammals like raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes. If not taken preventive measures for this disease, it can lead to disease in the brain and death.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Are you current on all your immunizations, if planning a trip to South America?

South America is rich in breathtaking scenery. There is something or the other for the traveler to experience in South America.

However, before planning a trip to America are you immunized with all necessary vaccines?

Firstly, you should check with your family doctor about your past immunizations. This will help verify which all vaccines you have so far and how many booster vaccines you require.

After judging all the aspects, now if you need to get vaccines to travel to South America, you must visit a travel clinic at least six weeks prior to your departure from NYC. This is because travel immunizations need time to become effective in the body.

Following are few vaccines that you must acquire before travelling to America:
  • Hepatitis A: This disease is commonly found in South America. It is caused majorly because of contaminated food and water. However, primarily reason of Hepatitis A is contaminated aspect only, but this disease can also occur from personal contact as well.

  • Hepatitis B: It is caused through sexual contact and blood transmission. However, vaccine shots of Hepatitis A and B virus, if obtained within six months helps one to be safe from getting infected.

  • Typhoid: This disease is not commonly prevalent in South America, but yes, some parts of New York are still exposed to this disease. Therefore, to be on a safe side it is important to get typhoid immunization.  

  • Yellow fever: This is the common illness in South America. It is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito. No treatment is there if one is affected by yellow fever, but it can be preventable if one gets vaccinated before traveling to jungle regions or areas which are suspected with yellow fever.

  • Rabies: Travelers who are in contact with wildlife or stray animals, or exposed to climbing, they might be exposed to rabies disease. Therefore, before exposing to such areas, it is must to get vaccinated.

  • Malaria: If traveler is staying in America for extended period, visiting rural areas or destinations like jungles, then they are at a risk of getting malaria. Therefore, one must take preventive measures to be secured from getting exposed to malaria. 

Travelers usually tend to miss this vaccine because they have an illusion that this disease is not dangerous, but one must not take risk of their life and get themselves vaccinated.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

‘Prevention is better than cure’-Does it implies to travellers?

Travelling to remote locations means you will be prone to diseases. Therefore, before travelling to any location, it is must for a traveller to get vaccinated.

The Centre of Disease Control and Prevention, advices travellers to get immunized, before a trip. This because it is vital to be protected against infections or diseases like yellow fever, cholera, hepatitis A and B, and typhoid to name a few.

However, there are few factors that travel clinic doctor take care of before giving travel vaccinations to travellers in NY or anywhere else.

The foremost thing that doctor asks the traveller is location or country where he or she is visiting. Depending on the place where traveller will head, doctor will provide the relevant vaccine to him or her. 

Next factor to consider is season. This is because many diseases are dependent on the certain period of time. For example, rainy season in some area of location is ought to provide diseases like malaria which can be life threatening.

Besides season, the area where one is staying is also must to consider. This is because if traveller is staying in a rural location he or she is more prone to diseases as compared to traveller who will be residing in an urban area. The quite obvious fact behind it is rural areas are not clean and can tend to make people ill.

Next factor is age and health of traveller. If person visiting the remote location is of old age and is prone to some medical problems then he or she has higher risk of getting infected to diseases prevalent in remote locations.

People who are suffering from immune deficiencies or have some major illness like HIV, they cannot get themselves vaccinated because travel vaccines can cause health issues to them. However, doctor will let the traveller know all the facts beforehand but to be on a safe side voyager must also tell each and everything clearly to the travel doctor.

Last but not the least factor is activities in which one is involved. For example, a health professional, who has come to Africa on a medical trip, he or she will be prone to diseases because they would have to come in touch with various patients which might be infected with diseases prevalent in Africa like yellow fever.

Monday, January 27, 2014

You’re in perfect shape, and no disease can affect you, right? Wrong!

While it’s true that the immunity level of your body plays a great role in how you tackle diseases and infections, there are certain illnesses that your body just doesn’t have the capacity to deal with effectively. This is because it’s never come in contact with them before.

The reason is simple; you live in a geographical area, where these diseases don’t prevail. As soon as you visit a place, where they thrive, you are instantly prone to acquiring them.

This is why in case you are planning a trip, abroad, in the coming future, you ought to prepare your body for the diseases present there, today. If you live in or around New York, there are travel clinics in NY that can guide you as to what diseases prevail in which parts of the world, and increase your immunity by giving you a vaccination, for the same.

Even if you are going on a business trip, don’t make the mistake of thinking, you’re safe because you’d be spending most of your time indoors, and won’t come directly in contact with disease prone environment. Rather, ensure that you reveal a detailed version of your travelling plans to the doctor at the clinic, so he can give you a suitable doze, and if necessary, more vaccinations than one.

Most fatal diseases either never existed, or have been eradicated here in the US. If you’re an American resident, you are not at a great risk of Hepatitis, Typhoid, Meningitis and the likes of such devastating diseases. While the health system of America is advanced, and very stable, that is not the case with other countries, especially in Asia and Africa.

The good part is that getting immunized before travelling in neither expensive nor time consuming. In a matter of just a couple of hours, and just a few dollars, you’d be prepared to enjoy your outing, whether it is for the purpose of business or leisure.

Besides, in many cases, you are legally obliged to get immune before visiting certain specific areas, abroad. The effect of each vaccination is long, so that works out perfectly even in case of frequent travelers.

The internet is the most convenient source of locating the best place to get vaccination from, so get browsing, right now!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Are you aware of the cost of travel vaccines?

If you are travelling to remote locations, you need to get required vaccinations. Especially when travelling to countries like Africa where higher health risk is involved, it is must for a traveler to be immunized.

Vaccines should be taken prior to the trip, which means at least four to six weeks before migrating from United States. The list of vaccines, which a traveler might have to get, is as follows: TD (tetanus/diphtheria) MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), typhoid, Japanese Encephalitis, rabies, polio, meningococcal meningitis, Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis B.

However, getting of vaccination largely depends on various factors like country where one is travelling, location of stay, activities in which one will get involved and vaccines that a traveler has taken so far.

Besides all these factors, the number of vaccinations that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends it is obligatory for travelers to get. For example, if traveling to sub-Saharan Africa, you need to get yellow fever vaccine. If in case, traveler fails to get the vaccine, then he or she is not allowed to leave United Stated; and not permitted to enter by the respective country, where traveler is visiting.

After determining all these factors, doctor will provide travelers relevant travel vaccinations in NYC. Talking about the cost of vaccines, here is detailed list of it:

Yellow fever shot costs about $130 to $375, which is the most expensive shot out of all vaccines.
  • Rabies shot cost between $400 and $1,000.
  • Typhoid vaccination cost about $40 to $150 per shot.
  • Meningitis vaccine costs $45 to $125 per shot.
  • Hepatitis A shot cost is between $45 and $110.
  • Hepatitis B shot is given in three different shots and each shot costs $45 to $80.
  • For children polio shot is must, which costs between $10 and $30.

The doctor will provide the vaccines to traveler at his or her travel clinic. Once shots are given, doctor will provide certification, which will be proof of traveler that he or she is vaccinated and fit to enter the country. However, before making a choice for clinic, make sure you have chosen a reliable and reputable clinic of your vicinity.

Therefore, if you are planning to go abroad then make sure you have got yourself vaccinated because travelling to risk prone areas is very hazardous for you and your family.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Trip to Central and South America is not safe without yellow fever shots

Yellow fever is a viral disease transmitted to humans through bite of a mosquito. This disease is very common in Africa, Caribbean, and Central and South America. Till today, this disease has affected millions all across the globe.

Anyone planning trip to these countries should get immunized with yellow fever shot in NYC. Traveling to countries where this issue is quite common is risky without travel shots. Nobody likes to fall sick, when they are out on a vacation with their family and friends.  On suffering from an issue, you may take two to three weeks to recover from this problem. If not diagnosed properly, it may leads to death of a person. That is why, it is important that you must get immunized before you travel to foreign country.

Apart from this, do you know what happens to individuals suffering from this problem? An individual suffering from yellow fever will experience high temperature, headache, constipation, vomiting, kidney and liver inflammation and body ache. These are some of the common symptoms that most of the people face on suffering from yellow fever.  However, other issues can also arise. The signs and symptoms also vary from one person to the other.

How to protect yourself?

A single shot of yellow fever vaccination is good enough to protect you from this disease for years to come. Anyone who is more than nine months of age can go for this vaccination but pregnant women and individuals suffering from any immune system issues should consider an expert to protect you in the best possible manner. In addition, it is a safe vaccination that will keep you safe on traveling to locations that may put on risk of suffering from such problems.

Once you decide to get immunized with this vaccination, you need to visit a travel clinic. Such clinics are specifically meant for people who are planning to go out from their country. These clinics are staffed with expert doctors who possess wide knowledge of health issues common in different corners of the world.

Besides this, it is also important to know reaction of vaccination with which you are immunized. Only the experts will let you know reactions or side effects associated with vaccination and how to recover from such reactions.

One needs to discuss important details of the trip with these doctors to take adequate precautions in advance that will protect you from different health conditions prevalent in different countries. Moreover, they will also share valuable tips with you that help you in minimizing effects of jet lag.