Take for example, Asia-Pacific Region, this region is one of those, where life expectancy rate is low. The medical facilities are not up to the mark and in case of medical emergency; the facilities face hard time to deal with them.
The authorities are not alone to be made culprit. There are numerous reasons for the same. However, an individual traveling to that part of the Globe need to make sure that they have a protecting layer. This protecting layer will protect from deadly diseases like yellow fever, hepatitis A, malaria, influenza, typhoid, tetanus, polio, and other related diseases.
The travel clinics offer to protect you from the above diseases. There is availability of various immunizations and vaccinations, which can help an individual in a big way. The immunizations might take two or three sittings. After completion of these immunizations, a traveler can feel free and roam to this part of the World.
The following are the characteristics of the travel clinic based in NYC –
1. Immunizations and vaccinations- There is a thin line difference between the two. The main purpose is to protect body from the infections. An individual undergoing any of these is able to travel freely without any hassles. The threat of being affected from any of the diseases becomes negligible. There is availability of catalogue, which gives information about each place and the threats involved there. This catalogue helps in deciding, which immunization to go for.
2. Prescription – The medical practitioners also issue medications to the individuals. The prescriptions can be taken as a precautionary measure. It is a mandatory exercise to take these prescriptions along during a trip. The prescriptions can be taken in large quantity, according to the tenure of your trip.
3. Certification – There are countries in the World, which do not allow free passage of the individuals without certification. The certification is a kind of a surety that an individual has undergone immunization. The travel clinics in NY are registered and authentic. The certification issued by travel clinics has immense value. The documents issued by the clinics have international recognition and the individuals can draw services from them.