Yellow fever is an acute viral disease spread by the bite of female mosquito. This health concern is especially active in tropical and subtropical areas of Africa and South America.
If you are planning trip to any of the aforementioned locations, don't forget to get immunization against yellow fever. Along with that, do not forget to take all the recommended and necessary precautions to protect yourself from the reach of yellow fever.
Travelling to such geographical locations where yellow fever is very common without Yellow Fever Vaccinations can be dangerous.
In this article, we will walk through the facts regarding this vaccine.
To understand whether this vaccine is worth or not, we will weigh its advantages. First, let us go through what can happen to the person who is infected with this disease. Its symptoms include bloodshot eyes, nausea, high temperature, vomiting, furry tongue, constipation, muscle pains, headache, kidney and liver inflammation, gastrointestinal bleeding, jaundice, delirium and vomiting blood. Patients with severe yellow fever give up to it, and die.
Yellow fever vaccination is in use since 1950s. It is a completely safe vaccine and just a single dose of it protects you for five to six years. After this time period, it is recommended to take the dosage of this vaccine again for next five to six years. This vaccination can be given to anyone over the age of 9 months.
It is strongly recommended that person suffering from any kind of immune system suppression or pregnant woman, must consult with health professional before taking this vaccine.
A person with severe allergic reaction of the previous dose of this yellow fever vaccine should not be given this vaccine again. It is because of the reason that this oral vaccine contains a live, attenuated virus and should not be given to the person with weak immune system.
On the whole, it seems clear that individuals who are planning to travel in above mentioned geographical locations is would benefit from taking this vaccine. So, it is worth to get yellow fever vaccine and after to receive it, you will provide a certificate from your health professional that will show that you have already received this vaccine. This certificate will help you to enter many countries where yellow fever is still prevalent. is a reliable and highly professional medical clinic that is certified to provide Yellow Fever Vaccination and other travel vaccination.