Sunday, December 16, 2012

What are the side effects of yellow fever vaccine?

Yellow fever is a kind of viral infection that leads to jaundice after an early stage. According to researches, more than thirty thousand people die (each year) due to yellow fever. The infection is commonly known to occur in Africa and Latin America. Infected mosquitoes act as the medium of transmitting of this viral disease from one person to another.

Yellow Fever Immunization is the only way to protect you from this dangerous disease. The benefits of getting vaccinated are far better than the adverse effects associated with the fever. Let us discuss few of the side effects of yellow fever vaccine.
  • There are many few cases where serious side effects of vaccine have been seen. According to the researches, most people do not notice any allergic reaction to the vaccines. However, the response may vary from person to person.
  • High fever, body ache and swelling can occur as a result of the vaccination as well.
  • Allergic reactions are very rare after the immunization. Do you know about one person in 55000 people can develop allergic reactions? It shows that there is a very less (0.0018% which is near to null) possibility that a person could have allergy after the vaccination.
  • About one person in 125000 (0.0008% which is approximately null) may suffer from damage to the nervous system also.
How yellow fever vaccine protects you from the fever?

Immunization makes your immune system strong to fight against the transmitted yellow fever virus. This is the reason that people who are living or going to live in a tropical or subtropical area are advised to take this immunization.

How many days does it take for the vaccine to become effective?

Yellow fever immunization increases the immunity within seven days after the vaccination. It is suggested that after having this vaccination you are not supposed to donate blood for 14 days and take some other precautionary measures also.

Who can provide travel vaccination?

Visiting a certified clinic to get the immunization done is the only option for you. It can provide various Travel Immunizations according to your destination. It can provide you health services based on your personal travel plans, length of stay and health history.

How they provide services? They are health professionals who have all the required information about recommended and required medication for a particular place. Therefore, you can discuss about your travel plans to get required medication and advice to enjoy a healthy journey.

Travel Clinic is one place that can help you to get all the travel immunizations in New York City. You can visit for more information.