Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Some basics about Yellow Fever and its vaccination

People tend to travel abroad for a business purpose as well as for a vacation. But before heading up for a trip, they do take care of many of essential things like documentation, visa formalities, packing of bags etc.

Apart from all the above mentioned things, there is still an important thing one cannot to forget is Travel Vaccination. Not just because it is required during the custom check at airport, but it is important for one's health as well. A number of vaccinations like hepatitis A &B, typhoid, polio, rabies, and Japanese encephalitis to name some are given to the traveller prior to the place where he/she is visiting. Besides all these immunizations, one of the most important is for yellow fever.

So, if you don't have any idea about it, then let me put your glance towards what is yellow fever, where it is found and what precautions you need to take, if your trip is to a place where this disease occurs.

What Is Yellow Fever?
Yellow fever is a viral infection spread by mosquitoes, which a person might get if he/she gets bitten by a mosquito that is infected with this virus. This disease has mild to severe symptoms. Generally, mild symptoms include, nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal and muscle pains. Whereas severe symptoms include hepatitis, haemorrhagic fever, and may even lead to death, coma, liver, and kidney failure etc.

The regions where Yellow Fever commonly occurs
It mostly spreads in sub-Saharan Africa, South America, Panama, and Trinidad and Tobago. Thus mostly people who are coming from these infected areas or heading to make their trip to these countries need vaccination against this disease. And if not done so, fatal cases may occur to the unvaccinated persons.

Precaution from yellow fever
To prevent from this disease one need vaccinations carried out. This is necessary for the travellers, to prevent themselves from being infected. This vaccine is recommended to the adults and to the children who are above 9 years and who are travelling to high risk areas. Moreover, international regulations require proof of yellow fever vaccination from an individual.

Thus, one needs to visit a clinic where one can get vaccinated and even get the certificate that becomes evidence required during the travelling.

Though, after taking this vaccination one would see mild reactions that include mild headache, body aches, or certain other minor symptoms, but none is so severe to worry.

Looking for a travel clinic that provides you all travel Immunizations? Then do consider

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Role of Travel Clinic for a pregnant lady

Is your lady pregnant and are you heading up for an exotic holiday abroad? There are various things you need to think about, starting from all the visa formalities to packing up of bags. But most importantly one should never-ever tend to miss travel vaccinations, especially when a lady is pregnant.
This is so because many countries are prone to deadly diseases like yellow fever, typhoid, malaria and many more. Prominently, these are found in the countries of Africa, South and Central America and Asia etc. where most of us love to visit.
Ideally, one should not travel abroad when one is pregnant and if unavoidable, there are certain important things on which one should be updated. Many women might not realize the importance of travel immunizations as they might expect that the vaccinations taken during their pregnancy period are sufficient enough for their traveling.
But it’s absolutely wrong!
One needs to talk to their doctor or visit a travel clinic to get best possible advice so that they are aware of the pros and cons of vaccinations if given to a pregnant traveler. Moreover they would help you weigh the risk of diseases versus risk of vaccination in order to make a decision if you really cannot avoid traveling to high-risk areas.
Besides this they would even guide you about the live vaccines which contain a small amount of virus that potentially affect the unborn baby. Some of the live vaccines include BCG, oral polio, oral typhoid and yellow fever.
Apart from this mentioned below are some travel vaccines which a travel clinic would recommend a pregnant lady has to take:
  • Hepatitis B, typhoid, diphtheria and tetanus vaccine is being given.
  • Polio vaccination is given prior 30 days before the traveling.
  • Pulmonary influenza vaccine given to a pregnant traveler who is prone to chronic respiratory disease.
Besides this there are also some immunizations which travel clinic would strictly not recommend to a pregnant lady:
  • Varicella, measles, mumps and rubella vaccines cannot be given.
  • Hepatitis E is extremely dangerous for women who are pregnant.
  • Japanese encephalitis is also one of the vaccines which are absolutely not given.
From the above mentioned vaccines which a pregnant traveler cannot take, it's quite obvious that they cannot visit those respectively infected areas.
Now if you are thinking if one can go without those vaccinations, then it’s just your hypothetical belief. During custom checkup on the airport one has to show their vaccination certificate, which had been provided to them by their travel clinic.
Consult the best travel clinic in New York for travel vaccines. For further queries log on to

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Things to Consider Before Taking Travel Vaccines

To prevent serious illness from germs and exposure to unfamiliar bacteria while travelling to remote locations, it is a good idea to take vaccinations before going. The type of vaccination depends upon the destination country.
For certain geographic locations in the world, the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention advice different immunizations, before going on a trip because these provide protection against infections & several diseases such as yellow fever, cholera, hepatitis A and B, and typhoid to name a few.
So, people who are going to travel outside of their local area, whether it another state within the same country or it is any other country, Travel Immunizations against some serious diseases found in those areas are must.
There are several things to consider when you are going to take these vaccines. These are:
  • The season when you are you going on the trip- Some diseases occur in a certain period of the year. For example, most diseases occur during the rainy season.
  • The state or the country you are going to visit: The location is very important, as some diseases occur only in specific geographic parts of the world.
  • Where you are going to stay: It is critical to consider the area where you are going to stay during your tour as the risk of getting diseases in rural areas is more as compared to the urban regions.
  • Your age and health: Depending upon age and health conditions, some people are more vulnerable to infections and diseases than others are. In some medical conditions, it might not be possible to give travel vaccines.
  • The activities you are going to do- If working in a medical facility you may need additional immunization. You may come in touch with more infections and diseases if you are working as an aid worker in a refugee camp.
  • People with certain immune deficiencies should not to take these medicines. This may be in the case if you have a condition that affects your immune system like HIV infection.
  • If you are taking treatment or medications that affect your body's immune system, such as chemotherapy, then you might need to consider the choice of vaccinations you are going to take.
  • Women who are you are pregnant or are breastfeeding they need to be extra cautious while taking these vaccines.
So, before planning a trip, you should consult a doctor well in advance to deal with all the above mentioned factors.
If you are fond of travelling and seeking doctor for right Travel Immunizations, please log on to

Sunday, December 16, 2012

What are the side effects of yellow fever vaccine?

Yellow fever is a kind of viral infection that leads to jaundice after an early stage. According to researches, more than thirty thousand people die (each year) due to yellow fever. The infection is commonly known to occur in Africa and Latin America. Infected mosquitoes act as the medium of transmitting of this viral disease from one person to another.

Yellow Fever Immunization is the only way to protect you from this dangerous disease. The benefits of getting vaccinated are far better than the adverse effects associated with the fever. Let us discuss few of the side effects of yellow fever vaccine.
  • There are many few cases where serious side effects of vaccine have been seen. According to the researches, most people do not notice any allergic reaction to the vaccines. However, the response may vary from person to person.
  • High fever, body ache and swelling can occur as a result of the vaccination as well.
  • Allergic reactions are very rare after the immunization. Do you know about one person in 55000 people can develop allergic reactions? It shows that there is a very less (0.0018% which is near to null) possibility that a person could have allergy after the vaccination.
  • About one person in 125000 (0.0008% which is approximately null) may suffer from damage to the nervous system also.
How yellow fever vaccine protects you from the fever?

Immunization makes your immune system strong to fight against the transmitted yellow fever virus. This is the reason that people who are living or going to live in a tropical or subtropical area are advised to take this immunization.

How many days does it take for the vaccine to become effective?

Yellow fever immunization increases the immunity within seven days after the vaccination. It is suggested that after having this vaccination you are not supposed to donate blood for 14 days and take some other precautionary measures also.

Who can provide travel vaccination?

Visiting a certified clinic to get the immunization done is the only option for you. It can provide various Travel Immunizations according to your destination. It can provide you health services based on your personal travel plans, length of stay and health history.

How they provide services? They are health professionals who have all the required information about recommended and required medication for a particular place. Therefore, you can discuss about your travel plans to get required medication and advice to enjoy a healthy journey.

Travel Clinic is one place that can help you to get all the travel immunizations in New York City. You can visit for more information.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Yellow Fever Vaccination-Why You Need It If Your Are Going To The Subtropical Areas Of Africa?

Yellow fever is an acute viral disease spread by the bite of female mosquito. This health concern is especially active in tropical and subtropical areas of Africa and South America.

If you are planning trip to any of the aforementioned locations, don't forget to get immunization against yellow fever. Along with that, do not forget to take all the recommended and necessary precautions to protect yourself from the reach of yellow fever.

Travelling to such geographical locations where yellow fever is very common without Yellow Fever Vaccinations can be dangerous.

In this article, we will walk through the facts regarding this vaccine.

To understand whether this vaccine is worth or not, we will weigh its advantages. First, let us go through what can happen to the person who is infected with this disease. Its symptoms include bloodshot eyes, nausea, high temperature, vomiting, furry tongue, constipation, muscle pains, headache, kidney and liver inflammation, gastrointestinal bleeding, jaundice, delirium and vomiting blood. Patients with severe yellow fever give up to it, and die.

Yellow fever vaccination is in use since 1950s. It is a completely safe vaccine and just a single dose of it protects you for five to six years. After this time period, it is recommended to take the dosage of this vaccine again for next five to six years. This vaccination can be given to anyone over the age of 9 months.

It is strongly recommended that person suffering from any kind of immune system suppression or pregnant woman, must consult with health professional before taking this vaccine.

A person with severe allergic reaction of the previous dose of this yellow fever vaccine should not be given this vaccine again. It is because of the reason that this oral vaccine contains a live, attenuated virus and should not be given to the person with weak immune system.

On the whole, it seems clear that individuals who are planning to travel in above mentioned geographical locations is would benefit from taking this vaccine. So, it is worth to get yellow fever vaccine and after to receive it, you will provide a certificate from your health professional that will show that you have already received this vaccine. This certificate will help you to enter many countries where yellow fever is still prevalent. is a reliable and highly professional medical clinic that is certified to provide Yellow Fever Vaccination and other travel vaccination.