Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Protect yourself from yellow fever though immunization

Yellow fever is a severe viral ailment transmitted through the bite of a type of mosquito known as the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The viral infection is mostly spread in African & South American countries.

Many people have a belief that this disease spread person to person through direct contact. However, as I discussed before, this viral infections spread only by mosquito bite not by direct contact. This type of viral infection can result in:

  • jaundice (yellow skin or eyes)
  • fever
  • bleeding from different body parts
  • flu like signs
  • malfunctioning of kidney and liver
  • respiratory system failure
  • death (in severe cases)

Prevention against yellow fever:
Yellow fever immunization can help you protect from this life-threatening disease. This vaccine is a live virus vaccine that contains a weakened form of yellow fever virus that works for several years. Given as a single short, this immunization is administered by doctors at designated vaccine center.

People who are living in yellow fever prone areas are recommended to take this yellow fever shot every ten years. After immunization, you will be provided a stamped and signed proof (yellow card) which you will need to enter certain countries. Let me tell you that many countries need a proof of vaccination before giving an individual the permission to enter their country. This “International Certificate of Vaccination” becomes valid ten days after immunization and works for ten years.

People who should not receive yellow fever vaccine include:
  • yellow fever immunization is not recommended to children under  six months of age
  • yellow fever vaccine should not be given to pregnant
  • people who are hypersensitive to eggs because
  • persons who are receiving treatment for cancer (chemotherapy) or people with asymptomatic HIV infection will  only be administered with this vaccine if the exposure of this viral cannot be avoided

Note: children under age 6 and pregnant women can be considered(by examining various health factors)  for yellow fever vaccinations only if they are travelling area that are highly prone to this viral.

Persons between 9 to 6o years of age who are travelling to areas or living in areas that are at high risk of yellow fever are recommended to receive this vaccine.

In order to protect you from spectrum of disease caused due to yellow fever, timely administration of yellow fever shot is necessary.