Friday, December 27, 2013

Flying to Cambodia? Are you immunized to the possible health issues there?

The affordable travel deals from exotic destinations like Angkor Wat temple complex, white sand beaches of Sihanoukville and many other places in Cambodia have made it one of the most popular tourist places amongst travelers.

However, it cannot be denied that there are no possible health threats there.  This is why, before flying to Cambodia, you need to get vaccinated for antimalarial treatment, and other required health precautions.

If you are flying from NYC, then you can visit any medical facilities dedicated to travel immunizations.

The Center for Disease Control recommends following vaccines for travelers going to Cambodia:
  • Vaccination against hepatitis A & B and typhoid, if visiting rural areas.
  • Traveler planning to participate in outdoor activities like hiking, cycling, or working with animals must receive rabies shots.
  • Farming areas might be prone to Japanese encephalitis diseases. Therefore, traveler must take the vaccine for it.
  • Malaria is commonly found in the areas of Cambodia, therefore traveler must definitely get the vaccine for it.
  • Routine vaccines that involve measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and polio are must to be taken besides recommended ones.

Measles used to be active disease in Cambodia. However, today according to reports it is no longer there. However, still traveler is said to get vaccine for measles, as well. In case, if one had already got the vaccine for it then travel doctor will check whether booster vaccine is required or not.

Cambodia areas also have dengue, filariasis and plague diseases which are caused because of insect bite. As no vaccines are available for these diseases, the CDC or travel clinic doctor recommends the traveler to use preventive measures like insect repellent, mosquito netting, and wearing of long sleeve clothes.

Avian flu is commonly both in birds and humans in Cambodia. The doctor of travel clinic or CDC recommends travelers to avoid contact with local bird population or poultry activities.
People who are found of swimming must safeguard themselves from schistosomiasis and leptospirosis diseases because these are waterborne illnesses found in Cambodia.

After determining the diseases spread in Cambodia, make sure to receive vaccines for all the illnesses, in order to have a safe and sound trip. So, fix your appointment with the travel clinic doctor prior two or three weeks before the trip. Make sure to get travel vaccine certification from the doctor that will be your proof of being vaccinated.

If you are planning to travel to Cambodia, fix your appointment with the travel clinic in NYC to receive travel immunizations.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Are you travelling to tropical areas this year?

We all are aware of fact that we can’t enter the grounds of another country till the time we abide the rules and regulations of the government. There is a prominent reason behind this fact that a lot of diseases are prevalent in different countries that can cause health issues and even might lead to death of a traveler. This is the reason why government of the abroad countries has made acquiring of vaccination a rule that a traveler needs to adhere.

Visiting tropical locations means you are at a health risk. Therefore, it’s vital to get travel vaccines from New York City travel center or elsewhere you are residing. The major vaccines that traveler needs to get includes hepatitis, yellow fever, polio, diphtheria, typhoid fever, and a lot more.

However, before randomly taking any vaccine you needs to obtain information about the country were you are planning to visit, the diseases prevalent there and vaccines require to be safe from those diseases. This all piece of information you can collect from travel health center. So, fix your appointment at least 4 to 6 weeks prior to your travel.

Following is the information that the travel doctor will provide regarding the countries where you may be heading.

 Australia: The government of Australia have made essential for the travelers to get yellow fever vaccine. Although the country is not prevalent with this disease but they do not want to take a risk if the traveler is from the country that has yellow fever or is passing by from the country that has one.

Canada: Routine vaccinations, such as MMR vaccine, DPT, hepatitis B and other childhood vaccines are important to get before heading to Canada.

China: Diseases like Hepatitis A and B, typhoid, rabies, and Japanese encephalitis are prevalent in the areas of China which has made getting of vaccines for these respective diseases important for the traveler.
Egypt: Likewise China, same diseases are prevalent at Egypt for which the traveler needs to get himself vaccinated, if he is heading there.

Guam: Again, routine vaccinations like hepatitis A and B, and typhoid vaccine are important to get, if one is going to Guam.

Hong Kong: As this country is exposed to SAR, therefore it has become vital for travelers to get vaccines of hepatitis A and B, typhoid, and Japanese encephalitis.

Prevention is important before heading to any abroad location. This is where getting of travel vaccines from New York City has become vital.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Get right vaccinations before taking off for a foreign place!

It does not matter whether the purpose of travelling is business or pleasure; nobody ever wants to take home bad memories. Nothing can be worse than falling sick during your much awaited trip to a new place. However, a visit to a foreign place can expose people to a lot of potential health hazards and diseases, even if the travel is within the country.

Especially if you are travelling to some foreign country, then the chances of falling sick become all the more severe. The reason behind so is that when people cross time zones and go over to a place non-native and unfamiliar to them, they are not used to the that place’s environment and weather conditions.

People native to a particular place develop natural immunization over the period of time, but immigrants are not physically ready to tackle diseases prevalent in other country. That is why immunization through travel shots and vaccines must be administered before the plane takes off to the destination. This will help prepare the body of traveler in fighting the health hazards without falling sick or infected.

There are three types of vaccinations namely routine, recommended and required. Routine vaccinations are those for rubella, mumps, measles, diphtheria, hepatitis B, influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and other such illnesses which are administered on infants and children. If you might be missing on any of these vaccines, then traveling is a good time to get them.

Second type is ‘recommended’. These vaccines would depend on the travel destination. For instance, if you were going to visit western European sites, then your doctor would recommend receiving Hepatitis and B vaccinations. On the other hand, a visit to south pacific would call for a broader list of medicines.

The third type of travel medication would be ‘required’, and the person does not have a choice whether to get it or not. These are compulsory medications which the person must get, in order to lawfully enter a country. These medications are mandatory as per immigration laws. Health regulation authorities lay down the underlying guidelines for such medications. For example, before visiting any country in Africa or South America, a person must first get fever vaccine.

Upon visiting a clinic, your travel doctor would tell which shots and injections are necessary for a disease-free trip. In addition, these medications are given several days and even weeks before the day of departure arrives.

For a memorable trip free from illnesses and infections, it is highly recommended and necessary to get right travel shots from a good travel clinic.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A visit to travel clinic is a must before you fly to a foreign land

Before you pack your bags for exploring exciting destinations around the world, you must fix your meeting with a doctor available at travel hospitals. If you are going to a place that is new to you, then you must consult a travel doctor before you leave your own country.

In some countries, there is a high risk that you may suffer from certain health issues.  You may not be familiar with diseases and health issues common at a particular place. By scheduling your meeting with travel experts, you will come to know about travel immunizations you need before visiting a particular country.
Not only, these health care institutions will provide you significant information about vaccinations instead they give their clients valuable advises that will help them in staying fit and healthy on a trip to a foreign country.

The doctors at travel clinics will discuss with you useful information about the country that you are planning to visit. It is better for you if you provide travel expert necessary details of your trip. For example, in which city you are going, where you will stay, types of activities you have planned to carry out at that place and how many days you would like to spend there. On discussing such details, the doctor will provide some dos and don’ts that you should follow in order to enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

Some people have opinion that they do not need any vaccination before going out from their own country as they have got those shots in the past.  There are certain health problems for which you need vaccinations again and again after specified intervals in order to keep distance from those problems. Such vaccinations act as a booster to your previous immunizations and minimize the risk of being suffering from a particular heath issue.

Moreover, the vaccinations you need to take depend upon the place you are visiting. Some places may put you on the risk of suffering from yellow fever while there are place where on traveling you may suffer from malaria or any other issue. There are also places where you may not need travel vaccinations instead if you take certain precautionary measures, you can travel safely to the destination of your choice.

Prevention is better than cure, instead of falling sick at a new place; it would be a better idea to take precautions in advance to have fun during your vacation.
The main purpose of travel clinics is to provide significant details to people who are planning to visit a foreign country so that they can stay healthy during their vacation.