Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Introduction to Travel Vaccination

This article is to help enlighten those people who are planning to travel remote locations and who want to know about various travel vaccines and their effects. In the below segments of this write up, we will understand how travel vaccinations works.
The word vaccination comes from the Latin word “Vacca” meaning cow and was invented by Edward Jenner in 1796.
Travellers always need travel vaccination to tour abroad and use the recommendation of these vaccines depend upon the following factors:
  • Country you are visiting, or which part of the same country you are visiting
  • The season and the time of travelling for example rainy season, winters etc.
  • In which area you are staying like rural area, developed area or urban area
  • What traveller will be doing during visit such as working or visiting in urban or rural areas
  • How long the traveller will be staying
  • The age of the traveller
  • The health of the traveller and so on
Plan Ahead:
Get expert advice about your travel immunization at least one month before you are due to travel.
How do travel vaccines work:
Vaccinations provide two type of immunity:
  • Active Immunity
  • Passive Immunity
Active Immunity:
Vaccine offer active immunity where human body is stimulated to create its own antibodies. Such kind of vaccines stimulate the body’s immune system to make defence antibodies, which stay in the body for a long period of time. Whereas the chemicals (antibodies) to a particular disease are present in the body, the body is protected from that kind of disease or infection.
The protection offered by such kind of travel vaccinations naturally takes some time, but their effect lasts a long time. Following are the name of some vaccines that work on the same principal of vaccination:
  • Live attenuated vaccine
  • Inactivated vaccine
  • Detoxified exotoxins
Passive immunity:
On the other hand, passive vaccines offer immediate protection. Passive immunity includes insertion in the body antibodies that have already been created rather stimulating the body into creating antibodies to an infection.
In this way, it is advantageous that the chemicals (antibodies) can go to perform actions defending the body straight away. It had also the disadvantage that the time of protection it offers is usually quite short as compared to active immunity.
For example: Hepatitis A immunoglobulin vaccine is an example of passive immunity which acts immediately but cannot work longer than three months.
The diseases for which variety of vaccinations are available are all hazardous and carry severe risks. So,it is necessary to have vaccination before travelling any remote location so to remove health risks.
If you are looking for a reliable clinic to take travel vaccinations, please log on

Friday, November 23, 2012

What’s The Importance Of Travel Vaccinations And How To Get Them?

We all travel from one place to another, from time to time. Reasons might be work or pleasure. Going for a visit to a foreign country can be a very exciting experience for one and all. You keep in mind to pack all your belongings such as seasonal clothes, and accessories, your sun blocks and travel bags, but usually seem to forget one of the most important things, vaccinations!

When leaving for another country altogether one has to understand that they are going to face a lot of climatic changes and the weather conditions may or may not be like that of your homeland. You may or may not be strong enough to withstand that climate of the place. This is why you need to make sure that you are ready to fight the challenges that might come across in the novel place.
Firstly and most importantly, you need to locate a good travel clinic. These are such places where the medical staff works towards preparing people for foreign trips. They conduct a proper medical checkup for the same and determine if the person has any sort of illness or impending health issue. Besides this, they shall prepare you for your visit to that particular country.

They basically work towards studying the weather conditions of that place, and also determine what sort of ailments and illnesses prevail in the area. It is then that they provide adequate travel vaccinations for people who have flights to catch. It is really important for people to take care of these needs because they shall remain safe from the many diseases and infections that might attack them in the time to come, assuring that you will have a safe trip in the future.

Looking for a good travel clinic isn't very difficult. There are many firms that provide adequate support for people who need to get medical checkups and travel immunization before leaving for abroad. One can find the best options for travel clinics by searching on the Internet and looking up local directories. You can find some of the best options for the same with a bit of research that needs to be done carefully. This way you shall be able to find the best option when it comes to travel clinics and you would be able to find the best options for the same.

One can easily search for the most suited options and get themselves checked by a travel clinic, before going to a foreign country. Find more about the same at

Monday, November 19, 2012

Why and What Vaccinations Do People Need Before Travelling to Remote Locations

Travel medicine clinic is an office staffed with health practitioners and nurses who have specialty in travel and tropical medicine. Such clinics offer variety of services, but include the provision of:
  • Consultations and vaccinations before travelling
  • Post travel consultations, evaluations , and medications, if necessary
  • Provide official vaccination certificate document (which is necessary to enter some countries)
  • On site diagnostic laboratory services and more
If you have decided your travel plans, it is wise to schedule an appointment with a travel health practitioner to take necessary suggestions and medications according to your health and immunization requirements. Whether or not there is any need for vaccinations will depend upon several factors that are given below:
  • Your risk of contracting diseases in the countries you are planning to visit
  • Your correct health status with respect to your age and vaccination history
  • Allergy history (including allergies from particular medication)
  • Presence of addition risks factors such as have pre-existing cardiovascular disease, if you are pregnant, or suffering from any other health condition that might fail your immune system (such as HIV or cancer)
  • Distance you are going to travel
It is a wise recommendation to all the travelers by the World Health Care Organization and the centers of disease prevention and control, to be update with their routine childhood vaccinations. These routine vaccinations include poliomyelitis, hepatitis B (HBV), and diphtheria/tetanus and more.
Anyone who is planning to travel to a foreign country should consult a travel clinic 4 to 6 weeks prior to your departure because vaccines takes some time to develop following the vaccination and you may need more than one dose depending upon your health conditions. So, more than one visit to the travel vaccination clinic may be required.

Furthermore, travel immunizations are necessary for a couple of reasons, such as yellow fever. It is not unknown that yellow fever is a life threatening viral disease and spread among persons primarily by mosquito bites. Thus, vaccination is the best option to stay healthy. Otherwise the infected person will suffer from jaundice, flu-like symptoms, kidney failure and a potentially deadly form of fever.

Many people do not even have an idea about how many factors there to be considered while travelling to remote locations. Here, travel medicine clinics ensure to let you know about the facts and figures that you will need to make your visit happy, healthy and memorable.

If you are confused about travel vaccination needs and their appropriate use, please log on to to have proper medication, and certification that is needed to travel foreign countries.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Is travel vaccination really that important?

It’s always a good idea to take some time out from the hectic life and spend some quality time with your family. Planning a holiday with your loved can be just the perfect remedy to get rid of the stress and tension of professional life. While planning to take a trip to some other part of the world, there is one thing that most people tend to neglect i.e. the importance of Travel Vaccination. Here, we are going to discuss on whether it is necessary to get vaccination done before travelling or not?
One thing that might come to mind here is that we all get vaccinations during our childhood, so why does its need rises when travelling to some other country? The answer to that is, as the natives of one country we are not exposed to the conditions of any other region. There are possibilities that certain infections are prone in one geographical region and when some we visit that part as a foreign person we are at a higher risk to catch the infection. Under such a situation, it might be difficult to find a reliable physician for treatment in the foreign country.
Another important thing is that there are many countries which require you to have a certificate of Travel Immunizations as a part of the documentation required to visit a country. For example diseases like yellow fever are potent life threatening diseases and are very prominent in North America and North Africa regions. People travelling to those parts of the world are required to take vaccination dose against it.
A good option before scheduling a trip is to get in touch with a certified physician who has intricate knowledge about immunizations and which vaccine is required for which country. An important thing here is that these vaccines require some time period to become affective after entering the body. So the doctor will be the best judge as to when the dose needs to be administered in the body and accordingly you can schedule your travel.
Looking at all the above mentioned prospects, one can easily make out as to why these vaccinations are important while travelling. Hence, people who are travelling for a leisure purpose must get the required dose. For people who have to travel a lot for business purpose, these vaccinations become even more important.
So, the next time you schedule for a trip, the first thing you need to do is go to your doctor and get the vaccination done and then further plan for fun.
Log on to to get an online appointment for getting vaccinated before travelling abroad. The professionals here will be able to suggest you the recommended vaccination for the country you are going to travel to.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Travel Vaccinations make your journey a healthier one!

What are Travel Vaccinations? People might have different ideas about it and many of them are wrong, these myths are to be dispelled in this article.
Being vaccinated before heading for a trip (for a voyage or for a business meeting) is important. However this is not only one hand requirement or safety measures from your side, but certain countries have made it a government rule (as per administration laws, that travelers have to get themselves vaccinated before entering their countries, so as to safeguard the travelers as well as the local people.
There have been certain examples, which would give you a clear idea about the need for proper vaccinations.
Not only this, WHO (world health organization) have given certain advices like, guide on safe food, international certification of vaccination, international travel health etc, this would ultimately help the travelers have a safe journey.
So, make sure that you are protected before leaving town and for this, you have to visit a travel clinic.
Now the question arises about choosing the best travel clinic, as there are number of them.
Here are certain tips that would guide you and let you know who are best on their part and would give you relevant advices such as:
  • They should discuss about your trip details
  • Tell you about the current diseases and infections
  • Advice you about appropriate immunization for it
  • Provide necessary prescription
  • And most importantly, provide international certification of vaccination that would facilitate your entry in specific country where you want to visit
Further points that would guide you for Travel Immunizations:
  • Travel clinic: go to a doctor who would guide you well, before you board to a trip. He would see all your earlier vaccinations and let you know what further you required, to be safe. He should be a professional so that you get perfect guidance according to your travel itinerary (because each country is different, and so are the diseases)
  • Vaccinations: this is the main reason people have to go to travel clinics. As per law and according to doctor recommendation people have to be extremely cautious from the diseases and get them vaccinated with yellow fever immunization, hepatitis A and B, typhoid, cholera, polio and rabies etc.
  • Time of vaccination: you should be vaccinated at least 4 to 5 weeks before your trip.
You need to bear in mind these few guidelines so that the best safeguarding plan against diseases can be made. is the preeminent travel clinic in New York for providing right vaccination to the travelers to lead a safe and enjoyable journey.